🤍💝🦴 It was a stupid dare.

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Guess what? Another chapter of this collection of one shots baby! I've been consistently posting and staying strong! But anyways quick disclaimer for the content here, descriptions of light violence, enemies to lovers! A few of you were asking for this one so thank you for all of you who requested this, this will follow the outline of the headcannon I had. You get dared into the forbidden forest by the one you hate the most. Enjoy my lovelies!

It was a stupid idea to begin with, going to that dumb get together in hogsmeade was a stupid idea, you going with Poppy was a stupid idea, you thought it would be fine when she mentioned Natty, but of course Sebastian and his best friend who both pissed you off to no end made you quietly seethe. "Poppy, you liar, I ought to turn you into a toad, why wouldn't you tell me that idiotic blunderbuss was going to be here, and his less than bearable friend." You glared in his direction, he was such an arse, an irritatingly cute one. He bothered you constantly, weather it be an idiotic comment about your appearance or a stupid side comment on how you preformed in classes, ever since you beat him on your first day in the duel its like he's had it out for you or something, it pissed you off to no end. Sebastian noticed your glare, causing him to smile a cheekily sly smile, god did you want to punch him in the face.

"What a sly fox, smirking at me like that, what is he up to." Poppy giggled, causing you to turn in her direction. "You know, if you didn't constantly tell me how much you hated him, id assume you liked him." You're glare shifted to her, causing her to backpedal, "I mean, come on y/n you talk about him so consistently that if you put the same effort into schooling you would probably be headmaster." You sighed, slipping down in your chair, "He gets on my nerves, all of them, he just smiles his dumb smile and smirks his brainless smirk, he is as mischievous as ever and now he's probably conducting some plot to get back at me for what I did last time." Poppy looked at you with a puzzled expression dawning her face, "Pardon? Last time? What last time." She asked innocently, you immediately sat a little straighter, "Dared him to jump into a lake, told him if he didn't do it I'd snap his wand, did I mention I stole his wand for a day?" Poppy stood up, going over to you shaking your shoulders viciously "Are you daft? Bloody hell, we are doing truth or dare- he might make you do something embarrassing, or dangerous, or dangerously embarrassing, I know your not an idiot son why would you do that." You deflated, oh god, what was he going to make you do, did you even want to know? You didn't, you messed up on this one.

You saw a student you didn't recognize yell "Hey lets begin this dumb game at get it over with!" A bunch of the students there nodded in agreement, your life flashed before your eyes. You're done for. Sebastian sat close enough to you to make you want to commit acts of violence but today? Today if you made one wrong move you could actually end up dead. "Who's starting?" Someone yelled across from you, "Me!" A voice cut in, luckily it wasn't that bothersome slytherin, god what would happen if- "Truth or dare Sebastian?" That meant he would be next, you wished you could just disappear or shrink until you were too small to see.

"Dare, don't make it anything stupid." Everyone around chuckled, a few started whispering and you only felt pit fill in your stomach. You couldn't even focus on the events taking place, what would you do? Would you just hide, opt out of the game and recruit Sirona to aid you by hiding in the three broomsticks? How would you get out of this, you were screwed and you knew it, you couldn't even dare him to do something back- if you pick truth his constant insults would become insufferable, overwhelming even. You would rather kiss a troll. You were completely zoned out, searching, scanning, contemplating any feasible solution. But you could only draw blanks.

"Y/n truth or dare?" bollocks, it was your turn, you didn't even know what happened, you didn't even know what to say. Sebastian immediately started to berate you with insults "what's wrong? Too scared to say anything? What did I expect from a soft Hufflepuff pushover like yourself?" You stood up, face to face with him and grabbed him by the tie, "I'm not a pushover, dare you inconstant buffoon, I choose dare." He smirked that immature smirk of his, as you let go of his tie, hands on your hips, still glaring at him, the scowl never left your face. "Alright then? The Hufflepuff wants to get tough huh? I dare you to go into the forbidden forest and bring back proof, and I don't mean some stick or grass or something stupid like that, real proof. Bring back a single spider fang, then I'll believe you."

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