Five • Violence & Truth

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The area had become a ghost town overnight, the infected finding someone else to eat. That's what Foster said at least.

We had been walking for a few hours, not stopping for any reason. The closer we got to the next city, the more on edge Foster seemed to be. His eyes darted around the trees and abandoned buildings, and even cars. He hadn't rested his gun by his side since this morning in Rutland. At first, I assumed it was in fear of the infected, but now I'm getting the feeling it's something more.

"My legs hurt," Emma whined. I looked down at her beside me.

"I know but we can't stop anywhere, it's not safe."

Foster cleared his throat, "She's right, if anything we need to walk faster."

Not knowing what to say, I grabbed her hand and pulled her along. Foster had picked up his pace drastically, keeping up with him was impossible.

"Why are we waking so fast?"

Foster ignored my question, he only continued to walk, looking around. He seemed extremely paranoid about something or someone seeing us.


He stopped in his tracks, "Don't call me that."

I rolled my eyes, "It got your attention, didn't it?"

He turned to look at me, "I just don't want to be out here in the dark."

I could tell he was lying, he avoided looking me in the eyes when he did.

"Are you sure that's the only reason?"

He ran his hand through his hair, "Of course, it is, why else would I-"

A loud boom echoed through the area, a bullet whizzing past my ear. It rang and caused me to be disoriented for a few moments. My hand quickly cupped my ear in instinct, making sure I wasn't hurt.

I looked behind me, searching for whoever shot the gun. My vision was fuzzy, I couldn't make anything out. A tug on my arm brought me back to reality.

Emma was sobbing and pointing behind me, her face fearful and panicked. Another bullet whizzed through the air, dragging across the surface of my skin. I quickly grabbed my leg, wincing and groaning.

Emma screamed and cried louder, pulling my arm harder.

My leg began to burn where I was hurt, throbbing in pain.

From behind me, I heard painful groans. Foster. My eyes landed on his hunched form, his right hand holding his shoulder, blood pouring from him, spilling through his fingers.

I panicked. Another bullet flew past me, centimeters from my feet. "Run!" I shouted at Emma, "Run into the forest and don't look back! I'll find you!"

Without hesitation, Emma turned on her heel and ran as fast as she could into the trees. I watched long enough to make sure she was out of sight and safe. The gunfire didn't stop, several more bullets flew through the air.

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