Chapter 6: Blue Nix

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After your 'conversation' with Sans, brief as it was, you still feel the simmering anger as your naked feet crunch through the bleak snow; simmering to such a level that you silently wonder why the snow under your feet wasn't beginning to melt with it by now.

Mouth screwed up slightly with your irritation, you dig your fingers through your cold and slightly damp hair before rubbing your icy hands over your face, inwardly even more angry that since jumping down the pit that this is the most you've felt emotion wise since those early days of your immortality, where everything was frightening and desperate.

Not that you felt scared, or even desperate at the moment. But it annoyed you endlessly that such things were appearing now frequently, as of the emotionless husk that you had been inhabiting for so long was slowly chipping away; it made you feel raw.

Ironically, the death of that controlled and static part of yourself - the part that left with the loss of Ruby - has awoken something within you that you'd have never have expected, not after the countless years that you had been walking upon the earth. Of course, things changed in time; you had seen that more than enough times.

But such a sudden change within yourself....

Your mission to find anyone and everyone capable of destroying the humans who had destroyed all you had valued in life....had given you more life, in the emotional sense. It was ironic in a way, as once that mission was completed, you knew that that small part would die along with the others on the surface who would die by your hand.

You would be left an emotionless husk once again - and this time, you would be completely and utterly alone in the world.

And what then, y/n?

A question that had been seemingly put on play so many times in your long, long life, you're faintly surprised that the record hadn't worn itself into broken, jagged pieces by now. What would you do after more chunks of yourself were discarded and thrown away, no longer needing to be present as they no longer had a reason for continuing? Death had never been an option. It still wasn't.

So, what would be?

What sort of life would there be in a world with no Ruby, after revenge had been achieved?
You look up at the dark 'sky' above you, the air around you icy and almost thick as you inhale it. In end, would it really matter? Nothing really did, not really. All that mattered right now was bringing literal hell to the people that had killed what was most precious to you - the rest, you would work out later.

It didn't quite sate the bitter taste of anger on your tongue, though. You supposed that nothing really would.

Still wading through the snow, your head slowly tilts as you hear a sound; muted at first, but as you get closer to the source, it's the unmistakable sound of bitter sobbing. It wasn't the sort that spoke of insanity, or of someone attempting a trick - it was genuine pain and sorrow.

Intrigued despite yourself, you follow the sound, only to cock your head to the side as you find a pile of snow, along with a carrot, and coal.

"....and what is this...?"

You hardly realise that you'd spoken the question out loud until you heard it yourself; yet the crying does not cease. You lean down into a crouch, head still inquisitively bent as you examine the strangely audible snow.

"Oh. It used to be a snowman."

Your irritation flares again as you turn your head slowly to the side - as expected, Flowey had popped up next to you, his eye running over the snow carefully. Still, it all clicked into place, now; you remembered past siblings smiling and laughing in the snow, despite the cold weather, their hands reddening as they crafted the snow into shape, placing the coals into smiles, using whatever they had on hand for a nose - but a carrot was the most traditional.

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