Chapter 5: A Fato Torquentur

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You find yourself unable to respond to his laughter, still staring blankly at him, all the while clutching onto the front on your shirt.

Some part of you wanted to laugh along with him, given the fact that the legend you'd foolishly dreamt about all these years would come true in this manner – you, paired with someone as warped as this.

But the rest of wouldn't say that you wanted to cry, but you were damn close to it. Your father's hopeful words rung hollow in your mind; how you were sure to find someone wonderful, how your soul must be beautiful...

...this only proved how rotten you really were on the inside.

"...heh....hehehe....this is just some....screwed up human trick....right? Like that hand of yours....heh."

You blink, seeing as he was now looking at you expectantly, expression possessing something closer to desperation, now that his laughter had faded at last. Running a hand through your hair, you wordlessly shake your head, much to his frustration.

"What's....with that. Complaining earlier that I....wasn't saying anything....yet you're not answering now?"

He steps closer, grin widening once more.

"....answer me."

You now release a frustrated noise of your own, thoroughly disliking this disruption.

"I already did. It isn't some joke, or prank, or any bullshit like that – you think I would kid around with something like this?"

He stares, smile vanishing as his head tips to the side.

"'re telling me....not only do you know....what this means....that we're....'meant to be'....but you also just heal up....?"

You shudder, scowling up at him – you needed to re-focus. Needed time to piece all of this together in your head, to get back on track with your plan. This could....wait. You wanted it to wait, dammit!

"...I don't care about this whole 'meant to be' business. That doesn't matter at the moment."

The skeleton only looks all the more inquisitive at that, his gaze only becoming more intense as you continued on.

"And yes, I just heal up. Feel free to stab me wherever you please, if that's what you want to do."

He frowned.

"....huh. Well....a bit different to the....usual human, ain't you? Mind you....can I really call you....human."

You simply stare right back in silence, until his smile hitches back up again, and he looks away at last.

"....if I can't call you that....guess I should ask you your name.....I'm Sans. Would say nice you, but..."

That red orb shifts back to you, his grin falling as he frowned once more; he was staring at you as if trying to piece something together that wasn't making sense, exactly how you felt on the inside – the idea that the two of you were running in the same vein of thought had your metaphorical hackles rising, if you were honest.

"Yeah, likewise. I'm y/n. So you're the one passing human meat through the door without telling Toriel what it is, huh?"

He seems to freeze momentarily at that, a completely different look of shock falling across his face at your words – interestingly, his iris seems to shrink massively.

" did you....know?"

"Well, come on. Humans go out through the door, and meat comes back in – doesn't take a genius to work it out. Playing on her psyche was pretty low, but I get you probably did it so she wouldn't turn into dust, so..."

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