First date:

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Calum: You were both anxious and excited for your first date with Calum. You were finished getting ready when you heard a knock on your front door. You raced down the stairs going to your front door. You took a long breath and open the door. When you open it there stood a sexy calum with red roses on his hand. "Hey beautiful, these are for you" he said handing you the red roses. You blushed and said "Thank you". You grabbed the roses and place them on the kitchen counter. You walked out of the door and closed it. We walked to his car, calum opening the passenger door for you. You smiled at him and hopped inside. He enter the car and started driving. You turned on the radio and "night changes" by 1D was playing. You sang along because one direction was your life. After a few minutes we arrived to a fancy looking restaurant. We got out of car and went inside the restaurant. He went up to the counter and said "Reservations for hood". Soon enough a waiter took you to your table. We sat down and started looking through our menus. The waiter took our orders and left. "I'm so glad I asked you out" he said smiling at you. "Me too I've liked you for a really long time" you said blushing a bit. "I've been crushing on you for 2 years and Im happy I finally made a move" he said making your heart fluttered. He kissed your cheek and said "(y/n) your so beautiful". You smiled already knowing it was gonna be the best date you ever been.

Michael: "Tell me where we going Mikey" you said for the fourth time. "No I want our first date to be special" he said driving a bit too fast. You rolled your eyes but he couldn't see you because he blindfolded you with a bandana. "Are we there yet" you asked impatiently. "Yes" he said as you felt the car come to a stop. He got out of the car and open your door. He help you out of the car and put his arm around you. "OK so can I take it this thing off now" you asked gesturing to the bandana in a dramatic way. He chuckled and took the bandana off. You looked around and saw that you were in a ammusment park. Your eyes widened in excitement and said "cmon let's have fun". You grab his hand and said "let's go to the tea cups". He sighed but nodded. You smiled and took him to the tea cups ride. You started making the line which wasn't that long. After a few minutes of waiting you finally went inside the ride. You both sat down on one tea cup and started spinning it. "This is gonna be so much fun" you said excitedly as the ride started. "Don't you just love the tea cups ride?" You asked him spinning the tea cup faster. "Yeah its way better when I have my princess next to me" he said smiling at you. You stared at him in awe and gave him a light kiss. When you pulled away you heard him muttered "best date ever".

Ashton: "which movie do you wanna see?" Ashton asked you as you two started making the line to buy the movie tickets. "Tomorrowland" You said smiling because Britt Robertson was your ultimate favorite actress. He smiled and said "Okay Tomorrowland it is". He bought the tickets and handed you one . "Let's get some candy and popcorn" you said making the line to buy the food. He put his arm around your waist and said "Whatever you want babe". You went up to counter and said to the lady who was working there "A medium popcorn, Large soda and Two kit Kat's please". She gave you your order and said "That would be 9.87". Ashton took out his wallet and paid the lady. "C'mon let's go get nice seats" you said grabbing the popcorn and the soda making him carried only the 2 kit Kat's. You were too excited to see the movie that you accidently dropped the popcorn to the floor. You sighed as you heard a laugh come from behind you. You turn around and saw Ashton laughing at you. You glared at him and said "Great I just ruined our first date". He grab your waist, looked into your eyes and said "You haven't ruin anything babe now let's go buy another popcorn so you can see Britt on the screen". You smiled already loving the date.

Luke: You sighed as the man handed you a pair of ice skates. For your first date Luke decided to go ice skating but there was one problem you never went ice skating before. You put the ice skates nervously and said " ready". Luke grab your hand and guided you to the ice skating ring. You took a step back not wanting to enter the ice skating ring. "Don't be afraid I'll help you" Luke said and kissed your cheek. You nodded and enter the ice skating ring carefully. As soon as you took a step on the ring you fell to the floor making you groaned in pain. Luke rushed to your side and asked "are you okay baby?". You nodded and said "Yeah but my butt hurts a lot". He help you up and put his arm around your waist. "I don't think we should skate" he said worried that you'll fall again. "No I wanna learn and I want to have a good time" you said smiling a bit for his concern to you. He sighed and started teaching you how to skate. After a lot of trys and falling you got the hang of it. "Yes I'm finally skating" you said happily skating around the ice. "Thanks to me" he said skating behind you. You both had a awesome time skating and kissing.

Hey guys!!

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I really want pizza right now :(

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~Katy :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2015 ⏰

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