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Time skip to later that night.

It was a lot of chasing and a lot of fighting but finally stu and Billy were dead Sidney defeated them she walked out the house with randy and gale she survived and those psychopaths Billy and Stu were dead.

Wait this isn't how this story should go y'all wouldn't like this ending.

Or maybe they weren't. As the police came in the house they found no one billy and Stu were gone not like gone as in dead THEY WERE GONE like not on the floor dead anymore how did this happen I shot billy in the head and I threw a TV and stus fucking face this can't be happening.

Meanwhile with Stu and Billy

"Damn we look disgusting" billy said laughing the bullet hole still in his head but he was alive and well I guess they gained some super natural thing when they "died" Stu had burns on his face but also seemed to be fine they were driving to flee the country and live together forever nobody would find them they could be together in a world we're nobody really accepted them they were born to love girls there Brains told them to always be with a girl but there hearts thought something different ever since that day at the park in 1977 when Stu was on the swing and Billy was on the swing next to him billy said hello first Stu said hi back they talked about horror movies for a hour while swinging ever since then they were best friends but as they got older they new no matter how hard they tried to hide there feeling they would come out eventually and now there in billys car driving to God knows we're whiling holding hands in that second they new they really did love each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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