Chapter 10

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When I opened my eyes I was in a room. A white room. With beeping. A hospital. I sat up quickly. There was a window on the wall. It's night. I'm not with Cameron. She's gone. I'll never see her again. I can't believe she would send me back here, without her. I started crying knowing that she was gone. Not yet. She isn't gone yet. She is still alive. I have to get back there. I need to get to her. I need to save her. I need her. I don't have anyone but her. She doesn't have anyone but me. I can't let her throw her life away like it means nothing.

A doctor rushed into my room. "Oh thank goodness you're awake!" She exclaimed. "Y-yeah." I choked out. I need to leave this hospital. "I'll be right back." She left the room quickly. I swung my legs over the side of the hospital bed. I stood up and walked to the door. The hospital hallways were practically empty. I tiptoed through the hallways till I found stairs to the bottom floor.

I went down the stairs quickly in a rush to make a portal and get back to Cameron. Of course I'm not sure if you can make a portal to get there. I know how to make one to get to our world from the other side but not back. It's worth a shot though. I slowly cracked open the door to the lobby. Not very many people were in there but it would still be hard to sneak out. I shut the door and looked around. Under the staircase was a door with an "exit" sign above it. I slowly opened the door. It's the parking garage. I can't really walk around in a hospital gown but I'll have to risk it. I ran through the door letting the door close itself behind me. Barely any cars out here. Good.

Once I got out of the parking garage I looked at my surroundings. I had seen this area in The Other Side. I forgot how clean this town is. Then an idea popped into my brain. The junkyard. I had to get to the junkyard. Clothes might be there. It's near the town entrance. The hospital isn't that far from the Junkyard. Around 5-10 minutes at the least. I started walking faster. I had to get there without being spotted or someone might call the police. Then I'll have no chance to find Cameron. School. People at school know about it. The principal knows about it. Worst case scenario I have to ask her for help. Only if I have to though. She treated Cameron badly. I can't forgive her for that. Stupid people. They're stupid. I could let them die. Their lives are in me and Cameron's hands.

Soon enough I got to the Junkyard. It looked exactly the same. Except the gate was broken. The weird Shadows. I walked to the gate. There was black goo everywhere. Then there was caution tape around Cameron's place. They found it. I ran through the gate to Cameron's "trailer" place. All the doors were wide open. I ran through one and started looking around. In the trunk of the car at the end of the trailers, was a box that had some of Cameron's clothes in it. I grabbed the long sleeve black shirt and black jeans. I quickly changed and left. The store. I checked the pockets of the jeans. In the left front pocket there was four dollars and three cents. That should be enough money to buy salt and chalk from Palmart. Palmart is only a couple blocks from here. I started walking to Palmart anxious to see if making a portal works.

I got to Palmart a bit later. Luckily it wasn't past closing time. I pulled on the door but it didn't open. They aren't closed. I sat against the door and it opened. It's a push door. I fell to the floor. I quickly stood up and acted like nothing happened. The store was pretty much empty. I walked to the checkout first. The person at the nearest checkout was someone I didn't think I would see again. Tiffany. I hurried over to it. "Hey. I didn't know you worked here." At the sight of me Tiffany's jaw dropped. "Omg Paris! You were wishing for like a week! Where were you? How have you been? How are you currently? What happened? We've all been so worried!" She exclaimed all at once.

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