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The monitor switched on as the motion-detecting camera connected to it picked up a movement. The sudden bright light alerted Hyunjin, who was sitting a few feet away in the van.

"What is that?" he blurted out, undoing his seatbelt to get closer to the screen.

He watched as a hooded figure wandered around the warehouse, phone in hand. Hyunjin yelled out to those sitting in the cab area.

"Changbin! Boss!"

"Holy shit, Hyunjin!" Felix screamed, slamming on the brakes. The car lurched forward before recoiling backward, sending Hyunjin rolling.

The keyboard flew off the desk and smacked his forehead.

"Ow," he groaned and rubbed his head in pain, steadying himself again.

"What is it?" Felix asked, turning his head slightly.

"Hey, keep your eyes on the road, for goodness sake. Your driving is bad enough as is," Changbin complained and pushed his head back round.

"Someone is in the warehouse," Hyunjin said, looking wide-eyed at the screen, hoping for the figure to show their face.

"Hold on, we'll be there in a minute. Changbin can deal with him. What does he look like?" Felix responded, stepping on the gas.

"He doesn't look much taller than Bin, but he's probably a bit smaller, build-wise. But then again, not many people are shorter than him so-ow!" Hyunjin yelped as an old McDonalds cup collided with his nose.

Changbin chortled, watching his face contort into an expression of disgust. "Be quiet then."

"Woah..." Chan's mouth fell open as soon as the empty space was illuminated.

He wandered in circles, the beam from his phone giving him an almost clear view of the area. Boxes were piled high, and there were lots of small holes in the walls and roof, a few moon beams shining through.

"What are these?" Chan mumbled, running his fingers over the digs in the walls.

He scanned his eyes over the building again, his heart beginning to fill with worry, pain raising in his chest.


Why the fuck would Felix be here?

A cold voice snapped him out of his thoughts. "They're bullet holes, dimwit."

The words rolled off Changbin's tongue exactly the way he wanted them to. Chan's face became as white as snow, fear instilled upon it.

"Who are you?" Chan dared ask, voice small and quivering.

Changbin sighed as he looked him up and down. Exactly what that dick said, he recalled.

Changbin continued to enclose, twirling a gun within his fingers as Chan, in turn, backed away. He aimed and fired. Immediately, Chan screamed and stopped moving, his shadow now studded with bullets.

"Who are you?" Changbin asked, with his best fear-inducing tone.

"I came," Chan said, not wanting to give his name, "looking for my friend."

"That's not what I asked," Changbin frowned, pointing the gun at him again.

Chan sucked in a frightened breath, staring down its barrel.

"Who are you and who is your friend?"

"Uhh, my friend is... Felix."


As in our Felix?

"What the fuck is going on in there?!" some nagging voice yelled through Changbin's ear-piece tugging him from his thoughts.

"Shit!" he muttered angrily.

He wasn't focused, and Chan was making a break for a hole near a sheet of hanging tin. That's how he got in, then Changbin thought, starting quickly towards him.

"Stop!" he yelled. Chan stumbled across boxes and crates, all slowing him down, while Changbin dodged them not far behind.

A loud bang ripped through the area. The gunshot was loud, and it echoed. A small tail of smoke curled in the air near the tip of a gun. Chan froze, hands slowly rising above his head.

"I told you to stop," Changbin growled, cocking his head to the side so he could see past the weapon.

Backup had come and was yanking Chan's hands behind his back.

"You wanted to see Felix, huh? Well, you came to the right damn place."

COLD ᝰ.ᐟ 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐋𝐈𝐗Where stories live. Discover now