The past coming back

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(Dahlia POV) (small timeskip :] )

It's been a few months now since i started training with the shadow monkey. Steadily getting better at my fighting. It took me a while to realize I didn't have to hold back with him, I could throw punches with all my might and he could take the hits. He even encouraged me to let loose, let it all out with him. It was honestly really nice. Sun noticed I've been coming back to the group busted up a lot lately, I simply told him I've been making training dummies to spar with. Not a total lie, but eventually I'll tell him about my interesting and intense sparing partner. Sun and I in fact kept our deal, when we needed a hug or some sort of touch. We would turn to one another, it's never gone farther then hugs. NO cuddling or anything like that, just taking comfort in each others appearance. I cant lie, cuddling with him doesnt sound like a bad idea. 

The group moved on from the small town back to the city. Pigsy actually helped me find a small apartment and a decent job, sure the job was deep cleaning his noodle shop. It paid the bills at least. 

I sighed after a long day of cleaning, waving goodbye to everyone and walked down the street. Something doesnt feel right, there's this pit in my stomach. Like something bad is on it's way, I'm just hoping it's just too many noodles from brunch. I stopped in the street and looked around, waiting a moment before  Heading into my apartment, yawning as I flicked on the light. Staring at the shadow monkey lounging on my couch, i sighed. Ever since I finally got my own place he's been showing up a lot, especially after i get off work.

"Did you seriously break in again?" I sighed and walked over poking his face. "Rude!"

He simply glared up at me then huffed closing his eyes. I rolled my own eyes and walked to a seperate room, my bed room obviously, and started to change.

"So where are we gonna train this time?" I shouted as I pulled on my pajama shorts. "I found this nice spot just outside the city, pretty sure I could kick your ass there."

I chuckled pulling on a tank top then paused, realizing this would be the first time shadow monkey would see me out of my usual wrap skirt and crop top. Heh, this'll be funny. Wonder what insult he'll toss at me? I made my way behind the couch to my kitchen and rummaged around.

"whatcha want to eat? Might as well feed you," After a moment too long of silence I paused before peeking at the couch where he still lays. "You okay?"

There's a loud sigh as he gets up and turns to me, narrowing his eyes before walking over. He seems way more agitated then usual. Did I say something out of line? No not possible, something just feels off. It's not a 'we are sparing to vent our anger' agitation. It's something..different.

"You irritate me, you know that?" He stops right in front of me, glowering. "Always smelling like him, tsk it pissed me off."

"Uh...what?" I stared up at him, confused. "What are-"

"Why do you hug him? Huh? Touch him And only fight me?" He interrupts me, staring me in the eyes, his voice straining, his jaw clenched.

"Uh.." I blinked, surprised at the topic. "I...never got the impression you wanted that? You always just want to fight.."

I trailed off as I watched him. His face a flurry of emotions, anger, confusion, and something else i couldn't quite place. I watched him turn away grumbling.

"Whatever, I don't want that soft shit anyways." He starts heading back to the couch. "I'll take the food, better be good or i swear I'm kicking your ass."

I stood there a long moment before reaching out and grabbing his shirt, yanking him backwards tightly hugging him from behind. Gripping his clothes as his entire body tensed, I could feel his heart rate speed up under the palms of my hands. 

"What the fuck are you doing?!" He grabbed my hands making a half hearted attempt to pull them off. "Stop touching me!"

"You literally just implied you wanted this?!" I gripped tighter and pressed my face into his back, taking a deep breathe as my forehead rested between his shoulder blades. Refusing to let go as he squirms. "Why didn't you just ask sooner you dummy...I would have hugged you... Figured by now we have a cool thing going on."

There's a long time where we just stood there, completely silent. After a while he shifted, turning around this time. I didnt look up at him, not yet. All we really do is spar each other, but it's honestly really fun. Pinning him and seeing how surprised he gets, it always makes me laugh. I mean he just looks like such a dummy like that. When he sees my surprised face he also laughs, it feels genuine. Was that not our thing? Did I misread? Then again the two of us never asked too many questions, we got content with just fighting one another. Come to think of it, i dont know too much about him yet. I never wanted to pressure him into talking to me about anything, I want it to come out naturally.

"I dont know.." He sighs, there's hesitation in his tone. Slowly i feel one of his arms move around and rest on my back, then the other. " You're just dumb. Can't read any signals through that thick skull."

I looked up at him, he's looking to the side. The lighting in my apartment is really bad, but i swear i can see pink dusted across his face. I snort then bust out laughing, hugging him tightly resting my face against his chest. His arms slowly tightened around me, his tail curling around my body. 

"Macaque.." He whispers. "That's my name dumbass..."

"Dahlia," I whisper back, pulling back just enough to look up at him. "But you already knew that, huh Macs?"

"Ew, dont all me that." He rolls his eyes but as he felt me move back his grip tightened a bit. "Gross nickname honestly."

"Oh please you love it and you know it!" I smirked up at him before loosening my grip. "Now let me coo-"

I stopped, dead in my tracks. A wave of dread sending my body into shivers, the feeling of her...her energy. The put in my stomach growing bigger, It's here. that cant be I left that back in america. She cant possibly be out here! How did she find me?! Panic, panic, you have to have no choice! she'll kill you! she'll hurt macaque and sun and the others!"

"Dahlia?!" Macaque shakes me, snapping me out of my daze. "What the fuck is going on?! My presence really that shitty for you?!"

I shook my head as the tears started to fall, gripping onto his arms taking shakey breathes.

"She..she found me..i dont know how but she...she must have gone across the oceans to get here..." I gulped and slowly looked up at him.  "I can feel her... her presence... i dont...know how but I do."

"Who is she?" Macaques eyes narrowed, ears pricked as he listens."Why does she even want you?"

"I..i dont know..but she wants.." I gulped and moved from his arms and started to pace. "She wants me dead. Ever since i escaped that tomb...she's been hunting me..."

Macaque watches me pace before growling, he looks around thinking before jumping into the shadows. I watched him leave, punching the couch frustrated he would just dip on me like that. The fear gets stronger as I can feel her presence, fuck why'd she have to come now?! I grabbed a robe and dashed out the door. Running past pigsy's, the owner was finishing up locking the shop when he saw me run. He called out but i couldn't stop, If i stop she'll find me...she'll. Pigsy yells for someone but I keep going, until I slam full force into a certain brunette. 

"Dahlia?! What's going on with you?! PIgsy called and a shadow clone said to watch you and-" Mk stopped and stared at me before his eyes flashed gold.

" cant..I.." I struggled to form words. Kneeling down placing my hands onto the shadows, desperate for some sort of comfort. 

The brunette calls to me, i can feel a sort of warmth touch my hand through the shadows before it retreats. A second voice yells out, i felt myself collapse. my brain overload as i panicked myself into passing out. 

Sun Wukong x OC X MACAQUEWhere stories live. Discover now