A trip to Diagon Alley

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Please note that everything belongs to Jk Rowling, except for my OCs and story editions.

Rayana woke up the next day, excited to finally be able to meet her friends or atleast be able to see some part of the magical world again. Sometimes, during these holidays, Rayana would think that Hogwarts had all been a dream. It made her feel trapped, like a bird whose wings had been clipped. Then she would run to her room and find solace in the memories of last year, her books and most of all her wand. A fine core made of dragon heartstring, thirteen and a half inches long, yew. 

Rayana got up and dressed herself in her witch robes, stowing her wand in the wand holder on her right arm while she tied her father's wand on her left arm. She wasn't proud of it or anything, she merely held on to it because her time in the wizarding world had shown her that even an enemy disarmed was not underestimated. The last thing Rayana wanted was to be caught in some fight without a wand. After securing both wands, she went downstairs.

"What on Earth are you wearing?" Asked her uncle.

"It's cold outside, nobody will find my cloak strange.

"You call that a cloak," Sneered her aunt before narrowing her eyes. "And where do you think you're going?"

"I told you yesterday, I need to go to Diagon Alley to buy my supplies for school."

"A girl your age going out on her own!" Her aunt ranted. "Preposterous, I am telling you girl if you get yourself wound up in something, I'm not taking responsibility.

Rayana couldn't believe what was being implied. She was twelve for goodness sake and officially disgusted at the insinuation. She wanted to share her opinion but like always, she lowered her head knowing defiance wasn't going to get her anywhere. Rayana was brave yet clever, she knew not to take such a bait. Defiance had its own moment and now was not the time.

"I understand, aunty but I really have to go." She tried again softly.

"Take the bus or whatever and get out before you attire makes your look any stupider and me feel any more nauseous." Her uncle replied firmly dismissing her.

"Of course uncle," Rayana replied, swinging her bag over her shoulder before leaving the kitchen.

Rayana took the bus down to Central London before ducking out of sight and into a narrow passage way. She tapped the same bricks, she had seen professor Mcgonagall tap exactly a year ago and stepped into Diagon Alley, breathing in the fresh air and taking in the sight of witches and wizards. Many of them were probably here shopping for school supplies like her. She stepped forwards and decided to go to the pet store first in order to get some treats for her owl, Jewels.

"Oh, Ms Black, I have heard a lot about you from both the teachers and other students at Hogwarts." The shopkeeper praised. "A truly fantastic witch you really are!"

"Thank you,"Rayana replied modestly. "I'm honestly not even that good."

The shopkeeper smiled at her as she paid for the treats and left.

Rayana decided to go to the bookstore next. On her way there, she felt someone grab her wrist. Rayana whipped around only to smile when she recognised the person standing in front of her.

"Cedric," she greeted.


"What happened to writing to me?" She joked nudging him in the side with her elbow.

"I was unsure whether to use muggle mail or my owl and then I figured you might just get into trouble." Cedric shrugged.

"Good point, anyways have you bought your books yet?"

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