Crushed Hopes

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Rayana sat up in bed with the help of Madam Pomfrey. Not being able to see was scary and all she could do was hope there was a cure.

She picked up the book on the side table and tried to transfigure it to pass sometime. After a while she gave up and slumped back in bed because she couldn't tell if she had transfigured the book correctly or not.

That's how Snape found her. He looked at the fish tank beside the bed. It have a beautiful, intricate coral reef near the bottom and colourful pebbles littered the sea bed. He wondered how it had got there. He knew Pomfrey wasn't a huge fan of pets let alone sea creatures and why would Rayana have an empty fish tank.

"Ms Black?" He thought she thought might be asleep.

"Good morning, Professor." She didn't move.

Morning already thought Snape.

"Perhaps you can tell me why there is an empty fish tank by your bed," Snape drawled, voice masked with indifference.

"Oh, I was trying to transfigure a book but I couldn't tell if I did right. So I kind of gave up." Rayana replied, sounding ashamed.

Snape's eyes widened, the girl was talented. She was only twelve and such transfiguration spells without even being able to see the exact shape if the book.

"I have taken a look into the spell cast on you." Snape paused when Rayana sat up and looked at him. "It is a complicated spell and the cure is not yet certified." He didn't know why but he couldn't bring himself to tell her that there wasn't a cure.

"I understand," Rayana replied, she had guessed as much. She held back tears at her own incapability and clutched the bedsheets. "Professor, is there a way to make the books read themselves out?" She asked trying to divert Snape's attention.

"Which book are you trying to read?"

"A guide to potion making. Level 2."

"I'll charm it for you. Also, your trunk has been brought in this morning. Feel free to get anything out."

Rayana nodded. "Thank you, Professor. Also, I'm sorry for overreacting so much... I don't know what happened."

Snape nodded in understanding before stepping away from her and leaving the infirmary.

Rayana climbed out of bed and tried to straighten her rumpled robes. She sighed before kneeling down beside her trunk and pulling out a set of neatly folded robes, she remembered putting in the corner. She began to unfold them trying to make out which piece was the top and the skirt. Rayana blushed at the thought of needing someone's help with basic daily actions. No, she could dress herself. Opening the clasp of her cloak, she slipped it off, hanging it on the edge of the bed. She slowly removed her clothes and pulled the top over her head, taking out her long, black hair that fell past her waist. When she was done getting changed, she grabbed her other cloak and slipped it over her shoulder, tightening the clasp. She then grabbed her worn clothes and tried to fold them as best she could, with the exception of the cloak of course.

Breathing a sigh of relief, rayana decided to go for a short walk. She knew Hogwarts well enough, the corridors were empty and at this hour she was unlikely to even bump into any teacher. It was a good thing the Hospital Wing was located on the first floor. Rayana continued along the corridor, running her right hand along the tiled walls until she came across the double doors. She gently pushed them open and stepped outside, the cool breeze felt so refreshing. It brushed past her face, softly treading through her hair.

"Mm-Ms B-Black?" A voice stuttered behind her.

Having not recognised the voice, Rayana quickly turned around wand in hand. She felt a hand grab her own pushing it down and she stepped backwards inhaling sharply.

"Quirell?" Came Mcgonagall's voice.

"Professor Mcgonagall!" Rayana moved further away from Quirell ready to hex him, if he made a move.

"Ms Black, what is going on here?"

"I- I w-w- was j-just-"

"I came for some fresh air and bumped in to...?" She trailed off.

"This is Professor Quirell. He'll be your new defence against the dark art's Professor." Macgonagall clarified.

"Thank you, Professor." Rayana replied brightly.

"Ms Black! By Merlin, you should be in bed." Came Madam Pomfrey's voice.

"What's happening here?" Snape asked, eyes narrowing at Quirell.

"Nothing, as I said I just came for some fresh air." Rayana said again.

Madam Pomfrey smiled. "Sweety let me help with your cloak."

Rayana blushed realising it must have been inside out.
"I'll get it, thanks though."

"Poppy, why don't you take her inside. It's cold." Mcgonagall suggested.

"Fine." Rayana sighed before being led away.

She hardly slept that night, the next day school would start and Harry and her friends would come to Hogwarts. She wasn't even sure how she was going to survive classes and the entire thought of such weakness made her feel sick.
It was her birthday tomorrow, she would be thirteen and like every birthday, it was bound to be horrible and lonely. She wasn't alone anymore but now she was blind. Rayana wanted to scream.

Harry Potter

Harry was a mess of nerves, excitement and nervousness. He lay in bed tossing and turning in a failed attempt to fall asleep. Eventually Harry's abandoned getting sleep and decided to review his learning. He had almost memorised all of his Potions and Transfiguration books and was almost half way through Charms aswell. He revised the theory and couldn't wait to try the practicals. He read over his notes noticing how his handwriting with a quill had improved significantly. After he was sure of everything, he laid back down. He felt anxious but found happiness in the fact that he had made atleast one friend. Rayana could help him out. He hoped so.

Word count:1000

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Nothing really major happened and I understand the chapter was short but I wanted the next chapter to have all of Harry's journey to Hogwarts and I didn't have anything else to put in this chapter.

Sorry about that but I'm not slowly giving up and I will make the next chapter longer.

Please let me know what you think of the story so far. I also want to know if Cedric and Rayana should be friends. What should Rayana's other friends be called?

Please comment and have a great day.

Question Of The Day: What's your wand core made of?

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