The Crash

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They were speeding towards the bridge. "We have to get over the bridge!" Shuri said. They were racing towards it and Riri came onto the comms. "They're blocking the bridge!" She warned. "Princess, you have a drone locked on your location." Her A.I. warned. "Where?!" Shuri asked. "Due northeast. At twenty thousand feet." Her A.I. informed. "I got that!" Riri said and began to fly upwards into the clouds. "Riri! I'm not sure you can make it that high without an oxygen mask!" Shuri said, concerned. Viktoriya watched, intensely. It was a short amount of time, then the A.I. spoke. The drone was no longer operating. "She did it." Viktoriya said. "Well." Okoye spoke. "Oxygen levels are at zero percent." The A.I. spoke. "Riri!" Shuri called out. "Wake up! Come on! Riri!" She added. "Come on girl, wake up!" Okoye said. Riri was falling from the sky, in her suit. "RIRI!" All three of them shouted. She came to and began to fly again. Just over the water. "I'm okay!" She spoke over the comms. They saw the barricade of police at the bridge. "Don't worry! I have a surprise for you in three, two, one!" Riri said. Then an explosion happened in front. "Thank you, Riri!" Shuri said. They raced through an opening and Riri flew past overhead and cheered.

She was hooked with a line and yanked down onto the bridge. Her suit slid. "Riri!" Shuri cried out. A metal ball rolled on the road and exploded under the car with a massive amount of water! It threw the car, dirt bike, and Shuri! The car spun around mid-air, then rolled twice and slid on the roof to a stop right by Riri and Shuri. Okoye breathed quickly. "What just happened?" She asked, in shock. Then looked out to the girls. "Shuri! SHURI!" She cried out, worried. She severed her belt and dropped down. Then climbed out. Viktoriya ripped the seat belt and dropped. Then she climbed out. Okoye hurried to Shuri and checked her vitals. The A.I. said her vitals were normal. And she should regain consciousness shortly. She breathed a sigh of relief. Riri began to drag along the road. Viktoriya ran over and straddled her armor then grabbed the shoulders and leaned back. Planting her feet on the pavement. "Hey!" Viktoriya shouted. Okoye looked. Then stood and marched over to the stretching line and she severed it with her spear. It whipped off the bridge ledge quickly. Viktoriya slowly let Riri lay back down.

Four odd-looking people launched up and onto the bridge. Viktoriya stood up behind Okoye. A humpback whale launched up into the air and a man with a hammerhead shark helmet launched off of it and landed on the bridge, with a hard weapon that looked like an axe. The whale landed back in the water. Okoye watched them, confused. Then she got into warrior mode and stabbed her spear into the pavement. She took her blazer off and Viktoriya lifted her chin. Looking down at them with her eyes. "Take another step closer," Okoye said. And dropped her blazer. "And we will kill you all." She stated. "Drop your weapons!" A police officer said. Then they began to flash their red and blue lights. A blue woman with large fathers on her head spoke in their language. To the armored man. Then she ran off to the police cars. The woman began to kill the police. Okoye was surprised. The large armored man spoke to the three others. Then they began to attack! Okoye fought with her spear and her moves. Viktoriya fought one with precision and speed. She pulled him over her shoulder and twisted his neck. Okoye stabbed the other after she stabbed one. Then they both ran to Riri as the armored man lifted his weapon. "Face!" Viktoriya told Okoye. Viktoriya slid low and knocked away his weapon before it could touch Riri and Okoye cut his face mask at his mouth. She stood strong. Pointing her spear at him. Viktoriya had slid and put her left leg over Riri's abdomen. She threw her hair back and watched him with intense anger. The man had stumbled back and touched his mouthpiece.

The armored man commanded the others and said Namora at the end. The people they killed, got up and ran off to the woman with a feather crown. Okoye and Viktoriya were shocked! Okoye began to fight the armored man! They fought worthy, and hard. He knocked her down on the pavement and her spear lied on the pavement before him. He looked back to Riri and Viktoriya. Viktoriya remained over her, guarding her body. She snarled at the man. He chuckled, then looked to Okoye and gently kicked her spear back to her. He wanted more. To fight. To defeat them. Okoye picked up her spear and got ready again. "Do not move Tori!" Okoye commanded. "No matter what!" Okoye commanded as she fought him hard again. Viktoriya watched as they did. And her expression changed from fierce, to worry. As with this man, they might lose Okoye. That was the last thing Princess Shuri needed. Okoye fought very hard. And she was nearly defeated by this armored man! She complained and dragged herself on the pavement. He was about to stab her with her own spear then she used her beads and commanded it to go away. And it did. The man looked. Then went to his weapon and grabbed it. She got her spear to come back to her and she picked it up, then blocked herself in just enough time as the man hit it with his axe and she slid along the pavement! Then she stabbed her spear into it, stopping herself.

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