Chapter one-1 Reliving the nightmare

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Chapter one: Reliving the nightmare. 

Återupplever mardröm.

"As a well spent day brings happy sleep, so life well used brings happy death." ~Leonardo Da Vinci

I've hidden under a desk in an old abandon building on the outskirts of what-use-to-be New York. The steel pipe I found for defense lies beside me. My right hand is numb and incapable of rotating, probably broken.

The winter wind was working its way through the broken glass, making me shiver and let out a wispy breath. The uniform of the Bleu Rosen Academy doesn't help with keeping out the cold air. The azure plaid skirt lifts as a blast of wind came through, the reflexive shock of my skirt rising caused me to let out a slight squeal.

That little sound seemed to echo in the somewhat empty room. The sound of footsteps down the hall started to get closer and closer. He must have heard it. The door that I closed when I entered the room was now lying on the floor in splinters.

I am frozen with fear as I hear his whistling.

"Come out, come out, little lamb." He calls out.

I cover my mouth with my hand and shake my head. Tears begin to fall, soaking my black laced blouse and sky blue tie.

"Your pale skin must be really smooth... since you're the daughter of a rich whore." The mention of my mother makes me quit breathing.

The nerve of this man! How dare he call the Earl av den imperialistiska domstolen, the Earl of the imperial court, a "rich whore "! He will burn in Helvete for all eternity, I'll make sure he does!

But... wait. How did this lowlife scum know that my mother, Pilvetön Taivas Fourtuna, was the Earl? I shook the thought out of my head as his steps got farther away. I need to go now! If I don't he'll notice that I wasn't in any of the other rooms and comb through them, one by one, until he finds me. I need to do it now or else he'll... he will kill me!

It's decided, I'll make a run for it. I leaped out from under the desk and sprinted toward the doorway. All the way down the hall, I ran. I had made a big mistake, I left the only defense I had, the pipe, behind.

The man was at the end of the narrow hall, waiting for me. He knew exactly what I was planning. It was like he was in my head. I didn't notice him until it was to late.

The unknown man's fingers wrapped around my neck, the stale air no longer being inhaled. He forcefully pushed me against the wall as he held out a pair of handcuffs and a gag. This man... he was serious. He had full intention of killing me.

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