Chapter one-2

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It's hard to breath. By the tight feeling around my wrists and the fact that my arms are behind me, the handcuffs are there, making it even more difficult to escape. My body shifts as I try to sit up, and I fall off a table.

The impact of my body hitting the ground causes a thick layer of dust to rise. While coughing hysterically, I struggle to get up.

This room... it's familiar. I slowly close my eyes, trying to remember where and why this place was familiar to me. Nothing comes to me, I grunt in dissatisfaction.

Knowing that I might not be alone, I begin to walk out into a large hall way.

The massive walkway had to have been elegantly decorated when the place was still operational. Walls that are a faded teal color and ebony tiles that are chipped, as well as shattered tinted glass, wooden frames, and occasional gold or silver objects that litter the floor. To bad that this place has been left in ruins.

The large door at the end draws my attention. With a couple of hits with my shoulder, I force the door open. I walk into a large entrance, the ceiling seemed to rise all the way to the sky.

The grand staircase that the door was under was still in good condition. An extremely large painting in pure gold frame hangs above it.

My curiosity causes me to look at the painting. I fall back in shock when I register the painting.

It's of a family. Father, mother, older son, younger son, and the only daughter. A family portrait of a very well know, powerful family.

This is the abandoned mansion of the Fortuna family, my family.

I am the only daughter and one of the Fortuna massacre survivors.

I have been brought back to the very same place where my family was murdered during the Ruttnande virus outbreak.

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