Chapter 2: The Plan and a Laugh Attack

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Vern had started explaining to us what had happened when he was looking for his pennies. Well, a while back now, he had buried a bunch of pennies underneath his house. He used to have a map of where they were, but it got thrown away by his mother when she cleaned his room. Vern still hasn't found any of his pennies.

Anyway, Vern overheard Billy and Charlie talking about a dead kid that had gotten hit by a train. Vern knew it was about this Brower boy that they were talking about on the radio, and ran over to the tree house.

"I know the Back Harlow Road!" Teddy started. "It comes to a dead end by the Royal River. The train tracks are right there! Even my dad used to fish for cossies out there!"

I smiled, vividly remembering the time Teddy took me fishing. This was only a few months ago, but it for some reason felt like an eternity ago. I had caught my first ever fish with Teddy. It was amazing. We also had a picnic there, and thought about inviting the other guys. At the end, we decided not to. It was our day. And maybe it was to make up a for a fight we had gotten into the previous day.

"Could he have gotten from Chamberlain to Harlow? It's really far!" I heard my brother exclaim, kicking me out of my thoughts.

"Sure," Chris replied. "He must've started walking on the train tracks and just followed them the whole way."

Then Teddy piped up and said, "Yeah. Yeah, right. And then after dark the train must have come along... o-smacko!"

I laughed at him and he glanced over at me. "What's so funny Lachance? Huh, what's so funny?"

I laughed even harder at his dumb face, his dumb adorable face. No Willow, you can't like your best friend. I then somehow fell over. I was crying at this point, and the 4 boys were all staring at me. I had random laugh attacks a lot, so they were used to it.

"Guys! I bet you anything that if we find him we'll get our pictures in the— Willow, I can't even hear my own thoughts— we'll get our pictures in the paper!"

I tried to calm down and actually listen to them, and eventually did. Then I heard Teddy start talking, too.

T "Yeah, we'd even be on TV!"
C "Sure!"
W "We could be famous!"
T "We'll be heroes!"
C "Yeah!"

"I don't know, Billy will know how I found out." Vern interrupted our excitement.
"He's not gonna care," Said Gordie. I didn't hear the rest of what he was saying because, well, I for some odd reason was staring at Teddy.

He looked almost perfect to me, but I have never seen him as perfect in all the years I've known him.

"What'll we tell our folks?" Questioned Vern. "Exactly what you said, we all tell our folks we're tenting out on your backfield. You tell your folks you're sleeping over Teddy's. Then we'll say we're going to the drag races the next day... until dinner tomorrow night."

Vern nodded at Gordies words. Then a look popped up on his face. "But if we do find the kids body over in South Harlow, they'll know we didn't go to the drag races! We'll get hided!"

"You're thinking too hard, Verno" I said. "Nobody would care 'cos everybody is gonna be so jazzed about what we found. It's not gonna make a difference!" Teddy added.

"Let's do it! What d'you say?" Chris asked with enthusiasm.
T "Alright"
C "Willow?"
W "Sure, why not?"
C "Gordie?"
G "Sure"
C "Vern?"
V "I don't know..."

"Come on, Verno! Vern! Verrrrn" We all yelled at him. We started pinching his cheeks and giving him noogies. "Fine, alright!" Vern said, finally convinced.

I hopped up and started going towards the door. Just then, I felt somebody pull my hand. It wasn't an aggressive pull, it was a gentle and soft pull. I turned my head and looked at who it was. It was none other than my best friend, Teddy Duchamp.

"What's up?" I asked, being able to tell there was something on his mind. "Well, when everyone was talking earlier, you were looking at me a lot," he started. I felt my face start to get hot. "I could tell you were thinking about something, and I just want to know what it was."

I sat down next to Teddy. "Willow, are you coming?" I heard Gordie ask. He was halfway down the ladder, and just his head was poking up. Vern and Chris had left already.

"Yeah, I'll come. Just give me a few minutes." Gordie nodded and started down the ladder once again.

Teddy looked back over to me. "Well, I was thinking about the time you took me fishing. It was really fun, and I would love to do it again. But the only problem was you didn't let us stay and watch the sunset."

I made a sad face, and Teddy chuckled at me. Just then, he put his arm around me. I leaned into him, feeling safe. "I miss when we would always hang out," he started. "I feel like the guys are always here now, y'know?" I nodded and looked up at him. He was looking down at me.

I smiled at him and started to stand up. "I should probably get going, even though my parents probably forgot I even exist." Teddy nodded and stood up too. This summer, my parents were always ignoring Gordie and I after our older brothers death. I miss Denny horribly.

It's not my parents I was worried about worrying about me, it was Gordie who would worry about me. Before I left, I walked over to Teddy and hugged him. He hugged me back. 

"I'll catch you later, Duchamp."
"See you tomorrow, Lachance."

This is honestly a pretty good chapter! I'm not gonna write a lot down here, but I will do this: Word Count- 1015

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