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"The most beautiful part is.. I wasn't even looking, when I found you.." - Autumn

Rich people always think they will get whatever they desire by their money. She detest this kind of people the most.

Arnav Singh Raizada, man of arrogance. He is a ticking bomb that will blown off by a single wrong touch. Khushi aware of her stunning appearance, it caught him by surprise..

From their very first meet.. His burning gaze filled with raging desire never look away from her. Men.. They never change..

He fell hard and harder.. For her… But all of his approach were turned down by her. His is not her type at all. She like soft and kind man.. He is not one of them.. She know men very well, they will be docile and committed till they get what they want and when they were done.. They will ghost you.. Poor innocent girl will be deceived but she won’t…

Once they know her past.. She will be shunned by them anyways.. Also him.. Who is declaring his interest on her every time they met..

What can she do to make him lose his interests in her? To make disgust of her?

She know very well….


Rejection not something he never experienced, this business world made him realise the reality of fashion field, turned him into a workaholic maniac he is now..

A successful business man, CEO of AR DESIGNS. The mighty ASR, himself.

But in personal life.. He always gets what he wanted.. Gupta family is typically middle class family, but well respected family, Shashi Gupta a retired hindi teacher, Garima a simple homemaker.. Payal Gupta, medical student.

On other Khushi Kumari Gupta is different.. She appeared out of nowhere.. Stole his heart in single blink of her eyes.. Indifferent, cold yet beautiful woman, her boldness makes him… Attracted to like a moth to fire..

The way she talks, she cares, her smile.. Her everything made her special in his heart.

He never considered her to be immoral person.. Never..

She is in love with Akash? His brother.. Her own sister's husband..

Noticed how her eyes were soften as she mentioned Akash’s name… Her voice also sounded a bit different from usual..

“How? Why? When?” He could not help but asked in furiously..

Khushi laughed softly, this is first time she ever laughed with him.. “How? It just happened you know…” She glanced at his expression getting darker, “When his brown eyes fixed on me. He showed me his polite smile, his handsome face.. I guess..”

Arnav clenched his fists in anger..

“Why? Mm.. Because he is a great person, lover, husband, he is going to be a great father too.” Her eyes were shining again, while he is looking at her intensely.

“When? When I heard from Payal how caring and loving he is towards his family.” She chirped with a bright smile.

He felt nauseated…. “Payal is pregnant now.. How could you think of her husband like that?”

Khushi laughed at leaned forward to his face. This is the closest he been to her.. “Love know no boundaries Mr. Raizada… Like how you liked me from the very first me itself.” He looked stunned, she comparing herself with him?

“Don’t take these feelings seriously though.. Or lot of things could go wrong you see.. Like this.. Think again.. MR Raizada.. Like how women attracted to your money… Like that men kept fawning over my appearance.. We can’t blame them. I may sound a little bit of narcissistic but.. I do look prettier than my sister.. I am quite confident that I can win over Akashji if I give it a try. ” She smirked at his paled face.

“What if Akashji saw me first before Jiji.. He have a better option..” Her words were cut off by Arnav. “SHUT IT! SHAMELESS… SHE IS YOUR SISTER DAMN IT!”

“That’s why.. I stopped myself.. If you’re going to be persistent than.. I will also do the same in my case..” She warned him before leaving the house.

He should give up…. But his bloodshot eyes clearly showing his determination.. Arnav Singh Raizada, will get her into his life, hook by crook, by any means at all.. She will be his for her entire life, trapped between his fingers, obedient to him as his wife..


Khushi reached home, changed into her pajamas. She stared at her reflection as she combed her hair..

That kind of man never know when to give up. Especially prideful man like Arnav Singh Raizada. Leaving him hanging around her is extremely risky to peaceful life with her newly found parents…

Payal Gupta.. Her biological sister. Kind hearted girl… But unfortunately.. Pregnancy is in highly complicated situation.. Anything could happen to her during her labor.. Payal hide such a truth from Akash and Raizada family in order giving birth her child..

Khushi could only respect her feelings as a mother… Doctor told her that if Payal miscarry this time, there is no chance to be pregnant again in future..

Khushi tried to talk to Payal but, Payal already made up her mind..

That's when Payal told those words one day suddenly..

“Khushi.. If something happen to me, please take care of my baby and Akash in my stead.. You will do that for me won’t you?”

Truth to be told.. Khushi never find herself interested in Akash, nor on anyone else..

She feels annoyed being pursued ASR. That man.. She heard that he likes to sleep around with his models.. He can get any woman he wants..

She already seen a dozen of those kind of man.. And her heart already frozen over all those years she spend.. At that place..

She came to this house with a purpose in her mind but she never thought she would find her real family here..

“Titliya.. Don’t be swayed by those men’s sweets whisper that promise you the oasis in middle of Sahara… They’re all nothing but a mirage..” a familiar voice ranged in her mind, made her chuckle.

She will see how that Arnav will react to her fake- heartfelt confession..

She laughed, she and him will never happen. Not in this life at least…


At bar..

Arnav looked at woman who wore a revealing dress to seduce him, dancing shaking her curvy hips, unlike the usual him.. He no longer feels interested in these things..

He remembered the day he saw her for the first time, outside the temple, during teej. While everyone fasting for their future husband.. She was gulping down her juice from bottle in that she hid inside her bag secretly.

He didn’t know who she was but, he found her to be a rules breaker..

They heard a commotion near them, the boys are teasing girls.. Things are getting out of the hand, everything one minding their own business.. Did not bother to care.. Yet he saw her threw her pooja thali at those boys to chase them away..

“GET back here! If I see you guys teasing girls like this again I’ll cut it DOWN there!” She shouted at those startled boys.

Arnav couldn’t help but laughing, such a interesting woman.. She didn’t seem to realise how he stood behind her for support, glared at those boys.. Made them running for their life.

He smiled at those boys disappearing from their sight, when he turned she is nowhere.. He wanted to call her out.. Looking for her but.. He don’t know her name.. Yet..

But the smile never left his lips..

Is was one fateful day.. He saw her.. But she did not see him.

To be continued..

Please let me know what you think about this chapter,tq.

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