Streaming trouble

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It'd been a long day, or more so, it'd been a very long week. Brett was hard to get down from cloud nine after our concert battles with Davie, and there had been a lot of work getting it all finished. As usual, he gets a high after things like that, I get a low. Actually, more like I get both, which is quite exhausting to be honest. It's the way we're designed different, that makes us a balanced couple, people might say. Well, all I can say is I don't know how I'd live without that guy in my life. He saved me. Again.

We'd already seen the take from the concert, it'd be fine, and I was looking forward to when people would start streaming and watching it.
At least I really thought it'd be fine.
I mean, I hoped so. Because I'd already heard some rumours about bad work from Sistic's side.
A couple in our team were really not that thrilled with the idea of using that platform, all night long their words were booming in my head.
-Oh, I guess there won't be a stream after all then....
But I thought to my self, how bad can it get?

The closer we got to the release, the more their words were chewing on my already quite frail nerves.
We worked so hard on this, there were so many people involved, it was a huge project and it cost a lot of money. I'd never worked on anything this spectacular in my life, and I was ever grateful for all of my team and Brett of course.
I'd be devastated if something did not go to plan.
I need time to recover myself after things like this, I'll lose all of my energy, I'm not like Brett, who actually, no matter how tired and sleepy he is from work and socialising, gains energy. I felt more and more like a zombie. I only wished for the whole thing to be over with. And I only wished for everything to go smoothly according to plan.

That night I would try and think I could finally rest, knowing our job was done, and all I could do was hoping that Sistic would also be capable of doing their only job. I couldn't deal with the thought of following the stream, I needed rest.
And Brett, being the supportive guy he is, went to bed with me, a little early that evening.
I felt on edge, as if my stomach was trying to tell me that something was up. Something not so good. But I tried to brush it off being my catastrophic thinking again, I know it so well. These thoughts will emerge into my brain everytime something new is on the block, and they'd been quite intense these last couple of weeks, having a lot on my plate, now I was determined to try and relax, finally. My job was done. At least I thought so.

Attempting to calm the storm inside, I crawled up to my love, tight, and I kissed him ever so heartfelt, time and time again. And he was there, just like the way he always is, having me, knowing I felt like that.
You know that feeling, when both your body and soul need something, craving something, so intense you don't really know where to go, what to do with yourself? The feeling you get finally having something , reaching, achieving something, something you felt like you've been longing for, dreaming about since the day you were born, or maybe it feels like even before that?
That is how I feel every time I get to have him in my arms. Every time he returns my kisses with his own warm, soft ones, then my soul starts to sing melodies I didn't even know I carried inside.
I know this sounds really cheesy, it probably is. And it's not as if this feeling is equally as intense every time we're together, by all means, that'd be rather tiring, but this satisfaction is actually impossible to describe in a way that'll make sense. I guess you just have to know it, having felt it, you just have to know what I'm talking about.
I pressed my body against his, eagerly wanting all the strings inside me starting to vibrate at once, I kissed him, again and again. Not in any claiming or demanding kind of way, more soft and loving. As if all of me was asking, pleading, if he could help me control the storming sea inside of me, and he replied, calm and comforting. Reassuring.
His long, slender fingers running through my hair, stroking my back...
I kissed his neck, drinking in that well-known mix of different scents, that special mix that together make HIM, my only love. And I could feel how the way too tense strings inside of me would unravel and rather start vibrating in that special, calm, pleasant way.
I was just about to draw out some of his tiny happy sounds, those cute grunts he makes when I kiss him that way. Brett makes some sounds souding like a mix between breathing and sighing, just like tiny moans, except they're not, they're not perverted, pornographic in any way, they are cute, as if tiny outbursts of joy, his soul thanking me, sounds that are still hotter and nicer than anything else I can ever imagine. I know exactly what to do, how to draw them out of him.
And just as I was about to indulge in this world where only he and I existed, in that exact moment, my phone started ringing.
How bloody typical is that??
I didn't quite expect it though, it was getting late. It's not like people tend to call me closer to midnight, but it could happen some times. I wish I could just turn my phone into silent every night, but I can't. Running Twoset is a huge responsability, it's like having a child. And while as Brett and I have this child together, we have to be available at all hours. Things might happen.

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