Ch 4: Paris! Alliance!

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At Nefarious Space station.

Currently Nefarious is working on a project when his detector radar pick up a time shift somewhere on the world.

Nefarious: "The heck? Who is foolish enough, except Union, to mess with time shift!" He said then look at the radar to see it coming from Paris.

At Paris.

Flying above Paris is a blimp own by an skunk called Le Paradox

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Flying above Paris is a blimp own by an skunk called Le Paradox.

Flying above Paris is a blimp own by an skunk called Le Paradox

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Currently flying this blimp is the owner himself Le Paradox.

Le Paradox: "Hahahahahaha soon Paris will belong to me! And Union will suffer for rejecting me!" He said with glee in his eyes

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Le Paradox: "Hahahahahaha soon Paris will belong to me! And Union will suffer for rejecting me!" He said with glee in his eyes.

???: "Ah so you hate Union too?" A robotic voice spoke causing Le Paradox to look behind.

Le Paradox: "Who in the world are you!?" He ask.

Nefarious: "I am Nefarious. A former human that was a victim of Union" he said surprising the shunk.

Le Paradox: "I see. But why and how are you here?" He ask then Nefarious pull out the Dimensionator which peak the shunk interest.

Nefarious: "This is the Dimensionator and as you can figure it out I open a portal here. Now why I'm here is because your time blimp was detected by my radar. So I believe we can achieve much if we work together and have our vengeance against Union" he said.

Le Paradox: "Mm with our combined forces we can achieve anything!" He said smiling sinisterly which Nefarious smirk.

Nefarious: "So do we have a deal?" He said offering his hand which the Shunk shake sealing the deal.

Suddenly the door was slam opened which both villains look to see a fox aiming her gun at them.

Suddenly the door was slam opened which both villains look to see a fox aiming her gun at them

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Fox: "Freeze! You're both under arrest!" She said.

Le Paradox: "Ah Carmelita Fox" he said causing Nefarious to sweatdrop.

Nefarious: "Seriously? Her last name is fox? What do we have a raccoon called Cooper?" He said unaware that a raccoon called Sly sneeze with his twin sister looking at him worriedly.

Carmelita: "You're both going to jail for several crimes!" She said.

Le Paradox: "Ah but how can you do that if you're trap!" He said pressing a button that cause a cage to imprisoned Carmelita.

Nefarious: "Meh I give that a 6/10 as that was perfect timing but sadly a predictable classic evil move" he said.

Carmelita: "blasted!" She said and try to escape but the cage isn't escapable from inside.

Le Paradox: "So what should we do to Fox here?" He ask looking at his partner in evil.

Nefarious: "Mm I'll bring her to my Space station as she will inform the police about our alliance and no doubt make Union to go after you" he said surprising the two at the fact he have a Space station.

Both: "You have a Space Station!?" They said.

Nefarious: "Yup and I can't allow Carmelita go now that she knows about that" he said then summon his robots that easily move the cage with Carmelita to the Space station.

Le Paradox: "... I'm so glad I'm now working with you and not against you" he said a bit nervous about the fact Nefarious can easily beat him.

Nefarious: "Meh just remember that backstabbing me will be the least of your concern" he said then leave while Le Paradox nervous chuckle before passing out from pure nervous breakdown.

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