As a 15 year old leaving myself because of people and what they think is what I've gone through
Being in a cage of depression, developing a fear ,a fear of everyone & everything
Times weren't easy for me when I realized I have never been myself after the age of 6,yeah 6 . I was a kid I am just over thinking shit is exactly what I thought but realization hit me hard when I thought back and figured out I have never lied but never spoke the truth.I have always been alone accept the times I have spent with my bffs . I was so alone that i forgot how to tell the truth after suppression of so many emotions they finally broke out during lock down. now the ppl had an idea they know I am weak they will torture me they will hate me was what came to my mind . But nothing happened just lost some fakes and my parents support.
I hated them from that day they left me when I needed them the most. I cried for weeks, until my tears dried down my parents weren't there , I know I never told them but they should have got a hint.
Than lock down came in like a time bomb bushhh... Every one was alone or with family but I ,was lonely with my family 3 yrs of crying suicidal thoughts bottling up my emotions I was gone no sign of that other girl where was she.
Was she still crying. Was she dead was she tired or just hiding from the cruelty of this world.The new girl was quite but was a rebel she ignored every one she started to be a real disappointment now she was bad she lost her innocence now she wanted to break free and die, her father was there trying to fix her but dead ppl can't be fixed. She ignored him and marched he ran behind her to stop her but she never did hanging from a rope she pulled herself up from the well she was in and now she was herself ppl pushed her in the well but she escaped every time so it's ur time to escape
i understand
Randomit's ok your going to be fine times are tough I know I am going through them as well but trust when I say that it will get better