02. Encounters

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I never knew how heavy a sleeper I was before then, but I guess we all have our moments. I felt something poking my side, making me groan in annoyance. Then, I heard shuffling, which piqued my curiosity and I sat up. My eyes felt so heavy, I never was a morning person. Even now I end up throwing a pillow at someone when they wake me. When my vision cleared, I saw something that was rather odd, but not too out of the ordinary. I saw a humanoid turtle, yet he looked more human to me than turtle. He looked rather short, and had a cute and round, green face. I didn't fail to see the dark green freckles under his baby blue eyes. What confused me, however, was the orange mask wrapped around those eyes and his comedic yet defensive stance.

"Uh, hello?" he questioned as he relaxed. I didn't respond, but the sight of dawn woke me up more than seeing the small turtle. I panicked and pressed myself up against the corner of the wall, whimpering in fear of the light seeped through the large and open door. I looked like a scared child, I can't help but scrunch my face in embarrassment remembering that. "Woah!" the turtle exclaimed as he watched my reaction. "Hey, it's okay! I won't hurt you!" he assured. Had I not been so focused on the light, I probably would've paid more attention to what he said. It's a bit sad really, knowing that he thought I was afraid of him that morning. My breathing started to quicken as I stared at the shining rays that blanketed the ground that seemed so close to me. Looking back on it, I may have exaggerated a bit in that situation. I think the turtle noticed how scared I was of the light when he followed my line of sight. "Are you afraid of the sun?" he questioned. When I looked back at him, I nodded. I don't know why I confirmed his thought, but I'm thankful I did. He ran over to the door at looked out, most likely checking if someone was there. After that, he shut the door, preventing any sun from coming in. I was so confused, why did he help me? He walked back over to me and held out his hand. I could only stare at his three, large fingers that were wrapped in bandages. I looked back at his face, hesitant to take take it. He smiled at me, it was big and warm. I slowly put my hand in his, they were so small in comparison.

He lifted me up from the dusty ground and led me towards the other side of the barn. Why are you helping me? Is what I wanted to ask, but nothing came out. I was right about him being short, he was at least up to my chin. He sat me down on a chair next to the strange glass bottles that sat on the table, filled with odd colored liquids.

"The sun shouldn't get you on this side, so you're safe now!" the turtle said, still smiling at me like we weren't strangers. "My name is Mikey!" Mikey introduced. He was very kind to me, something I still question to this day. Why was he so kind to someone who was sleeping in his barn? Someone who people feared the mere sight of?

I avoided his eyes, his eyes that held so much light and kindness. "Thank you.." I muttered, it felt only right to say thank him. Other than the demon slayers that were willing to let me and my father live, I didn't feel very thankful to many people, let alone have someone be so kind to me.

"So, why are you so afraid of the sun?" Mikey questioned. I didn't want to answer, but apparently that opened a whole world of thoughts for him. "Ooh! Don't tell me! You're a vampire!" Mikey said, he sounded excited. I looked at him, rather confused. I wasn't exactly the most familiar with the common folktales or myths. I suppose when he saw my confused expression, he knew he was wrong. He put his hand to his face, thinking. "I got nothing," he finally said.


From the tone of the new voice, I could tell that they were upset. Mikey could tell as well, he jumped at the sound of the voice and quickly looked at me and pulled me up from the chair. "We've gotta hide you!" he quietly exclaimed. I was so confused as he looked around for decent hiding spot for me. I won't lie, I never thought he would go as far as to hide me from the others that lived in that old farm house. He brought me over to the far corner where an old and rusty vehicle. I saw very few of them whenever Father brought me into the city, that was a very rare occasion for me. Mikey sat me behind the top of it, and looked me straight in the eyes. "I'll come back later, you stay hidden, okay?" Mikey questioned. I don't remember what the feeling I felt in that moment was, but it wasn't bad, it was familiar. I nodded and he walked back around the vehicle. I heard the barns doors open.

"Mikey! What are you doing in here?"

"Oh, hey Donnie! I, uh, thought I saw one of the chickens run in here." Mikey said as he greeted the other person, who was referred to as Donnie. Based on the scent around the barn, I could tell that Donnie was very similar to Mikey. "Oh really?" Donnie questioned. His tone suggested that he was skeptical of Mikey, and most likely didn't believe him.

"Yeah!" Mikey responded, seemingly nervous. Something told me he wasn't the best at lying. In that moment, I felt stiff and scared. I didn't know who Mikey was talking to, or if they would even bother to have the same mindset as him. "Ah, wait!" Mikey exclaimed. I wonder, what would've happened if I payed attention in that moment? Perhaps something a bit different from what did happen. I froze when I heard someone breathing next to me. I didn't dare move my head, but my eyes turned to where I believed the unknown person was standing. My eyes were wide and so were his. I assumed he was Donnie, but that didn't stop me from being afraid.

Unlike Mikey, Donnie was taller and a bit lankier. His eyes were a shade of brownish red, and he had a purple mask. He looked at me in shock, a look that I was afraid of. He snapped out of it, and quickly pointed his staff at me. "Who are you?" Donnie questioned as he glared at me. I flinched and backed away, knowing that I was right about him not being as willing to be kind to me as Mikey was. Mikey came from behind me and stood between me and Donnie. "Mikey? What are you doing? Move!" Donnie instructed.

"Chill, dude! Can't you see you're scaring them?" Mikey questioned as he stood his ground. Donnie looked away from Mikey and looked back at me. I was attempting to regulate my breathing, I hated weapons. His glare seemed to soften, and Mikey kneeled down in front of me. "Don't worry, I won't let him hurt you." Mikey assured with a smile.

"Mikey, who is that?" Donnie questioned again, but in a softer tone. He held his staff at his side, still on edge.

"Don't know, they haven't said." Mikey responded. "They were just sleeping in the barn when I found them," he continued.

Donnie looked at me again, and slowly approached me, kneeling next to Mikey. "Sorry for the outburst, it's not everyday we find someone hiding in our barn." Donnie apologized. I was still unsure about him, it didn't feel right to trust him so easily. "I'm Donatello, Donnie for short," he said as he held his hand out to me. They were the same as Mikey's, three giant, green fingers wrapped in bandages, but I still hesitated. I looked at Mikey, who was still smiling, and looked back at Donatello, who gently urged his hand forward. I looked at his hand, and slowly shook it.

"(Y.../n)." I said. My voice was a bit raspy, I suppose that's what happens when you barely talk.

"Nice to meet you." Donatello said. He stood up and put his staff back in its place on his back. "We should get them inside," he said to Mikey.

"Not now we can't, they're afraid of the sun." Mikey pointed out.

"Well we can't just wait for the others to randomly come in and find them. We should introduce the properly," Donatello stated.

"Then we'll bring them in here."

"We're not waking them up, Mikey. It's still early."

They continued to try and figure out how they'd introduce me to these other people, but I didn't care to listen. I got two very different reactions out of them, a cautious and defensive one and a trusting one. Although, I suppose I see that reaction as naive nowadays. I leaned my head against the vehicle and started to fall asleep. I didn't notice how exhausting meeting people could be. I wonder, what would've happened if I stayed awake? Perhaps the two would've had an easier time with what happened next.

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