04. Hunger

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I never was responsible about my eating patterns. There were times I skipped meals or genuinely forgot to eat. Sometimes I think it's because I'm half demon, though that probably isn't the whole reason. As a half demon, I can go much longer without eating or drinking than a normal human, but I also have gained a distaste for certain foods. Most of the time I prefer foods with meat, and occasionally a few fruits and veggies. My mother sometimes would try and get me to eat more veggies and fruits, but she new that it was impossible to get her husband's child to move on a hill they are willing to die on. I was sleeping on the cot inside the barn, though, it was a little difficult with Donatello causing small explosions and sometimes breaking glass. Other than the noise he was making, it was a rather nice nap. That was until I felt someone place a hand on my shoulder. The scent of a human was the first thing I noticed was the scent of a human, and on instinct I grabbed the wrist of whoever it was. Through clearer vision, I saw that it was April, who looked just as shocked as I was in that moment. I let go of her wrist and backed into the corner of the cot so I could put distance between us. It wasn't the nicest thing to do, but it was a habit my teenage self was stubborn about. I could see April rubbing her wrist, I don't think I grabbed her that tightly, if I'm honest. "Dinner's ready, I hope you like store bought pizza," she said with a small smile. "There's no sun either, so you don't have to worry about that," she continued.

I furrowed my brow in confusion. I thought she was making up some sort of food at the time, I even questioned if pizza was actually food. She offered out her hand, which I didn't appreciate. I never liked it when I was treated like a child, especially by strangers. Although, she was probably trying to be nice. I didn't like humans at the time, so I suppose that was the reason for my view on her action. I moved so that I could get myself off of the cot, and walked over to the now open door. April was right, there wasn't a drop of sunlight.

I never understood why people liked the sun so much. It was a ball of fire that would burn you if you stayed out too long, and would blind you if you did so much as glance at it. The moon, however, was different. The moon was pale and bright, but you could stare and observe it's beauty without fear of losing your sight. The stars were an endless map that wouldn't mislead you with their images and stories. The moon would not burn you, it would keep you cool and well chilled. It was the sun that shunned me, and it was the moon that welcomed me. "Come on," April said as she stepped in front of me. "We don't want the food to get cold," she said as she walked towards the main house.

I followed her, yes, but I kept my distance. I could hear the quiet clucking of the chickens, and ever persistent whistles of the crickets. Part of it reminded me of home, my home. When walking up the stairs, the old boards made me wonder if the wood would give out with the single toss of a stone. April held the door open for me, which was nice, but I didn't give it much thought at the time. The room was cozy and there was a set of stairs that lead up to the second floor of the house. There was also furniture I didn't quite recognize at the time. It was a brown couch occupied by the human boy and Mikey, an old, red rug, and a box that had moving people in it. What was it called again? Oh yes, a Television.

There were stairs to my right, and from the top of them, I smelled a familiar scent. "Hey guys, they're here!" April announced.

"Oh!" Mikey exclaimed. "I'll get them a plate," he said as he hopped off the couch and ran to the kitchen where I smelled something odd, but also nice. April gestured for me to follow her as she went after Mikey, part of me liked that she wasn't trying to talk to me again at the time. I followed her and Mikey into the kitchen and saw that it was rather spacious. As I stood near the counter, Mikey held out a plate with something hot on it. "Go on, give it a try!"

Hesitantly, I picked up one of the square pieces of what I assumed was food, and it wasn't as hot as I thought it was. When I took a bite, it was pretty good. I was eating pretty slow due to fatigue, and the two looked at me expectantly. "It's good.." I muttered after swallowing. I'll admit it, I never really ate anything similar to pizza at the time. I really liked the taste, and Mikey seemed happy about what I said.

"Awesome!" he exclaimed as he gave me the rest of the plate. "There's plenty more, so eat up!"

He ran off to the rest of the guys, and the red one seemed to be coming into the kitchen. "What's got him all giddy?" he questioned.

"He's happy (Y/n) likes the pizza!" April said with a smile. I never understood why she always smiled at me, and I don't think I ever will. The red turtle looked at me while I was eating my second square of the pizza. When I looked at him, a question suddenly got into my head. What was his name?

"You've never had pizza?" Red asked with a confused expression. I simply shook my head as I swallowed what was in my mouth. "Seriously? That's some rock you've been living under."

April elbowed him in the arm, causing him to rub it. "Raph, don't be rude!" she quietly exclaimed. I just took another bite of the square in my hand while the red turtle, who I now know as Raph, attempted to defend himself. I never did get involved between people who knew each other, I knew it wasn't my place. Even still, I don't like being in the middle of things, it's not something I find pleasant nowadays. Had I been paying more attention at the time, I would've noticed April leave. I also would've noticed Raph leaning on the counter next to me.

He was a comfortable distance away, but he just looked annoyed. I feel as though I may have missed something before he did that, but I suppose I'll never know. The silence between us was nice, part of me liked having some company. I finished my second square, and I was tempted to eat the rest, but something made me lose interest. I looked at Raph, and offered him the remaining two squares on the plate. He looked at the plate, then back at me. The plate, then me again. "You sure?" he questioned. I only nodded.

"I'm not hungry.." I muttered. I only lost interest. As I said, I never did eat much. The only time I remembered to eat and ate something big was when I knew I needed the energy, like when I hunted for my mother when Father was away.

He looked back at the plate, and gently took it from me. "Thanks," he said. My only response was a hum and a nod. "You don't talk much, do you?" he questioned as he bit into one of the squares of pizza. I shrugged my shoulders. He hummed and continued eating. It was silent again, and it didn't really change. I noticed two things about him from that encounter. He too didn't talk much, he was more reserved and always scowled, unlike the others. And that he was sad. I didn't know why he was sad, but I figured to leave it alone. Not everyone is comfortable enough to share feelings with strangers.

I can't exactly remember how, but I later ended up on the couch, watching what I found out was Crognard the Barbarian. I still fail to understand why they found it appealing, however, I was interested in how the box was able to produce entertainment. I was on the far side of the couch, April was on the other side, and the human boy was in the middle while Mikey sat on the floor. Donatello said he was going into the lab to work on something, and I didn't know where Raph went. If I remember correctly, he was upstairs, but I didn't know why when I figured that out. The show wasn't appealing to me, so I left, much to April and Mikey's confusion. When walking towards the barn, I looked back at the start lit sky. I couldn't see them as well as I could in the mountains back home, but the moon was still a bright as ever.

I wondered if my friends and family were seeing the same stars, the same moon, the same sky. It had been over a day that I found the old farm house, I wondered if they were worried at that point. I continued walking towards the barn and found Donnie working at his lab. I walked over to the makeshift bed, and before I could lay down, he spoke. "Hey, may I ask a question, (Y/n)?" he asked. I looked at him, and nodded. "Uhm, how come you don't eat?" he questioned. I tilted my head to show my confusion. "Well, you've slept all day, and you barely ate any dinner, so I guess I'm wondering if you actually ate all that you needed."

I was surprised, I didn't expect him to be concerned for a strangers well being, especially mine. I looked away from him as I felt the fatigue consume me. "I wasn't hungry.." I said, making sure that he could hear me. He left it alone, and I got ready to sleep again. I never knew how draining socializing could be, although, he was right. I didn't eat as much as I could have. That happens to be a problem I still have, if I lose interest in eating something, then I won't eat it.

I wonder, how long has it been since I shared a meal with them?

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