06. Monster

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A/n: sorry guys this took so long, for the past weeks I was visiting the hospital due to me having an irregular heartbeat multiple times, and I had a couple of AP exams to take, so I hope that I can make it up with this drawing!  But without further a due chapter 06. Monster!


Demon, that's all I have been called in my life by humans, a complete mystery, half human half demon, in other words a monster, humans always hate those who they don't understand. And that's is no different from this world.... Or so I thought.

"Raph! Where are you?!" I walk towards the orange clad turtle, Mikey turns to my direction "Y/nnnn, have you seen raph he's been gone for hours!?" He wines. I look at him then shake my head " ugh! Where could he go!?" Mikey shouts while throwing a fit over his brother.

I walk over to the house and sit on the stairs still a little startled but strangely awake. I look over at the commotion not really listening and just watch them separate into the woods.
"Y/n!" I look up at Tanjiro, his smiling face as bright as the sun. "Have you seen Inosuke?" I shake my head no "he ran off with Zenitsu yelling about training"

A small smile makes its way upon my face as Nezuko gracefully sits next to me, happily mumbling. " Come on Y/n, Nezuko, let's go find them!" He holds both of his hands out, I take his hand as he pulls us out of the manor, the moon light keeping us company.
I look up at Leo his warm ocean eyes held worry and concern. "The others haven't returned and you, out of both of us, is the only one with working legs" I look at him a neutral expression on my face "please, my family and friends ar-"

"Leo, HELP!"

I look at we're the yelling came from seeing April running towards us. "LEO HELP THERE'S A -" we both stand in shock a she gets knocked over.

"HELP" She looks at looks at Leo then at me, fear written all over her face as she is dragged away  "APRIL" Leo tried to get to her but failed as he fell clutching his knee in pain. A feeling of empathy washes over me seeing his friend being dragged off, something in my chest started to hurt, reminding me of the time my friends lost Rengoku.

I walk towards him as he silently sobs, tears of anger running down his face, I hold out my hand "what-?" I gently pick him up placing him upon my back "W-what are you doing?" I look at him with the corner of my eye " I will h-help" my voice cracks due to me not really using it. I look around till I find his katanas and give them to him.

"Thank you" I humm in response, I then turn towards the woods, sniffing the air for a scent then it hit me, the gross smell of rotting vomit and blood, human blood. My teeth started to chatter I might not be fully demon but still, the smell is overwhelming. My light jog turns to me fully running "Ack-!" I turn my head forgetting that Leo was on me "sorry" I slow down a bit

"Why are you helping us, I mean I'm not ungrateful or anything but in reality we're complete strangers" Leo panics a bit before returning to a serious expression, I look away then back at him "I felt empathy for you" I stop hearing something "what's wrong-!" I cut Leo off by jumping up to dodge an attack from a leafy creature, it doesn't seem to be a demon.

I look at the creature inspecting and studying it's every move, it swings and I duck, dodging every attack it throws at me. I jump and send a kick to it's head blowing it straight off, it falls limp as the smell of rotten vomit gets stronger. Disgusting I thought as I look away to face Leo a dumbfounded expression on his face. "You can fight?!" I turn back towards the creature noticing little worms moving it's head back to it's body, I quickly turn my head following the scent of human blood again.

I stop and bend down. "What? What's wrong" I drop Leo and point to a broken down wooden shed. I walk forward and open the door to see the horrified faces of the turtles and the humans. "Y/n! Leo!, am I glad to see you" Mikey yells while hanging upside down "woah what happened to you guys?" Leo said while freeing the rest "that thing took us here!" Donnie angrily shouts

"Where's Raph?" Leo said while I walk to the corner of the room picking up a red mask off of a flower, a sad feeling washed over me, another loss, I turn around while Leo looks at me "That thing that brought us here turned raph into fertiliser" Leo grips his katanas anger clearly running through his system. "I'm sorry" I look at Leo then the rest of his brothers.... And the humans.

"No! I can still bring him back" I look at Donnie shouts while abruptly standing up "I just have to get the creep and-" Donnie continues to ramble as I go to Mikey, I look down ".........you.....okay?" I question softly. Mikey looks up, his baby blue eyes holding trust, kindness, and fear...... 'I don't like the look of fear in his eyes..'

He goes to say something but is stoped by something hitting the shed "Guy's we forgot about the creep!" April yells " This would be totally cool if it weren't us!" The other human yelled, I squint not knowing his name and how he acts makes me uneasy. Another noisy human I thought as an uncomfortable feeling pass through me.

A nother big slam goes through the shed, nervous whimpers can be heard, then it want quite. I get startled while the others scream in fear as that creature named the creep breakers through the shed causing panic. "Get it" Leo yelled making the others attack it "kill it, kill it" I look at April as she whispers under her breath.

I moved around Leo and send a punch at the creature's face making it fly towards a tree. "Woah you punch hard" I look at Mikey then at the creature, dodging in the nick of time "you're arm!" April worries, I look at her perplexed "Does it hurt? I mean of course it does, when we get back to the house I'll bandage it up and-" Annoyed at her concerns I spoke "stop" I harshly say to her, was it rude yes but I don't care, I hear a shout from Donnie but I chose to ignore it.

I turn towards the creature dipping my hand in my blood before saying "Blood demon art; deepfreeze" and throw it on the creep, ice immediately spreading all over it's body, thick droplets of blood run down as a gentle stream of steam left my arm, it slowly started to heal. The room grew cold, not just from me but from what they witnessed.

"What are you" I turn around hearing those words I feared to hear all this time, I look to see who said that, my eyes landed on April "you're not human are you?" I keep silent continuing to maintain eye contact"So what are you?" I quickly suck in a breath, I knew it all humans are the same, they all fear what they don't understand "Something you're kind call a monster"

Yo, just wanted to tell y'all Wattpad crashed for me and I had to rewrite it :')

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