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the two Y/N's are looking at each other


Spear Y/N:...












Subaru: Y/-

both Y/N's activated the Commandment of Piety and punch at each other, with there fist colliding

both Y/N's activated the Commandment of Piety and punch at each other, with there fist colliding

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Y/N: hello my good sir!

Spear Y/N: hello, how are you!

Y/N: good. You?

Spear Y/N: could be better

Y/N: so how did you end up with that

Y/N pointed to the spear

Spear Y/N: uhhhhh...


Y/N is in the forbidden library, looking for a new book to read

Y/N: let's see... Huh?

Y/N sees a book with a strange title

Y/N: the four cardinal weapons? Like cardinal sin?

Y/N opened the book, and starts to read it. Until he lands on a line that he recognizes

Y/N: 'each hero wields a distinctive weapon. A sword, a spear, a bow and a shei-' Wait a minute!

Y/N skims the book, until the book glowed and turn on it's own




Y/N: oof... How are things?

Spear Y/N: I miss everyone...












Y/N: 'of course I can't have a conversation with myself. Wait' what arc where you on?

Spear Y/N: in-between 2 and 3 why?

Y/N:... I'm passed 4

Spear Y/N: oh. How is it?

Y/N: umm...




Y/N:... We'll say it's a wake up call

Y/N scratches the side of his head

Spear Y/N: yeah... I'm struggling with that




Kazuma: are they having a normal conversation?

Ainz: it appears so

Subaru, Tanya and Naofumi: that dose seem like him

the three looked at each other. Naofumi pointed at Subaru

Naofumi: Natsuki Subaru, right?

Subaru: yeah, how did you know?

Naofumi: Y/N talks a lot about you

Subaru: he dose?

Naofumi: yeah. Though with the story's he told me about you...

Subaru: what?

Naofumi:... No, it's nothing

Subaru: aah! That's going to bug me now


Y/N: well time is relative

Spear Y/N: I guess. But it's going to be so weird if I ever do make it back

Y/N: true. But as I said to myself "damage has bee done." So I know you won't give up on them

Spear Y/N: I didn't want to abandon them. But since I'm a very important part of the story in my world, I don't have much of a choice

Y/N: compared to me who is no different to a self insert. At least you can have the thought that Subaru can handle it on his own

Spear Y/N: as long as he doesn't go down a what if

Y/N: which one do you think he would go down?

Spear Y/N:... Sloth

Y/N: I was thinking Greed. But I guess Sloth had a higher chance to happen

both Y/N's continued to talk to each other. The conversation went everywhere it could possibly go. It wasn't until Ram told Y/N to got to bed at 3 in the morning that they stopped




Ram and Y/N are walking down the hallway to there rooms

Ram: honestly N/Y, you're more trouble then you're worth

Y/N: sorry, it's just... I don't understand myself, so getting to talk to a older? Younger? Different version of me was insightful

Ram: what did you learn?

Y/N:... I'm a idiot who still doesn't under stand themself

Y/N looked at Ram with a smile

Ram: that is correct

Y/N and Ram made it to there rooms, which were next to each other

Y/N: good night

Y/N opened his door

Ram: good night Y/N

both of them walked into there room to sleep

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