I'm not petty

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class 2

Tanya: Impossible! Have you gone mad?

Ainz: If anyone's sanity is in doubt here, it's yours!

Subaru: calm down, you two!

Tanya: this doesn't concern you! This is between me and Ainz

Ainz: I thought you and I understood each other

Tanya: that's my line!

Kazuma: what's gotten into you? Who cares what you put on your chicken wings!?







flash back

Visha: I went to the butcher on the corner with Ram. And they had great wings! Ram loved them!

Ram: even Roswaal sensei would love that flavor

Cocytus: is it that good?

Visha: Cocytus, if you don't eat them, you're wasting your life!

Cocytus: is it that good?

Ram: as a warrior, you should be ashamed

Cocytus: is it that good?

Tanya: guess I'll have to try them

Tanya turned to Ainz

Tanya: Ainz, want to go to the butcher's with me after school? They have good wings, I'm told

Ainz: fascinating. 'I can't eat them though.' Well, Albedo?

Albedo: I would never oppose the thoughts of a supreme being


Subaru: I'm sorry. I'm sorry I asked!

Tanya: very well then, Natsuki Subaru. What do you put in your wings? Salt and pepper? Or ketchup?

Subaru: mayo

Tanya: looks like you and I must fight then, too

Subaru: eh?

Ainz: I'm disappointed, Subaru

Subaru: ehhh?

Tanya: Y/N, what about you?

everyone turned to Y/N

Y/N:....... I am not legally required to answer that

Tanya: Y/N...

Y/N:...... Gravy

Tanya: so your not on my side either

Y/N: when have I ever been on your side?

Erich: I've been watching in silence this while time, but

everyone turned to the front of the class

Erich: class has started

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