Chapter 2

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"Cronaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!"(A/N man, I have to count that into 8's cause 8 is a perfectly symmetrical number)
Crona jumped some, but then patted his back.
"What's the matter, Kidd?" Edward seemed utterly confused while Maka, Soul, Liz, and Patti was like '-_- again...'
"Themonster!itwasasymmetical!!!!!!!!" He sobbed. Then a certain Coronel Roy Mustang came walking up.
"Alright, alright. Break it up... Now, can you please tell me what's going on?" He seem annoyed that six more teenagers are in his office.
"I'm sorry, sir. You see, we're not from around here. And Ed and Al thought it would be a good idea to talk to you." Maka apologized for everyone. Ed tried to scoot behind Al.
"Fullmetal.... Look, I'll only let you stay IF you can do alchemy." He said while Maka, who saw his soul, which was a normal soul but with fire around it. It's fine.
"Uhh, why is she staring?" At that point Soul elbowed her, "Maka.."
"Oh! Sorry!! I just zoned out for a minute." She apologized. Kidd, Crona, Liz, and Patti were having their own conversation. Something about this really huge man(like weight wise) and about Envy.
"Wait... You met Envy and Gluttony?"
They nodded and went back to talking. Roy sighed, if they fought against those two, then they must be strong. Riza, who was carefully watching the whole thing, walked up to Roy.
"Sir, should we let Further Bradley see them?"
"No, they'll be put in the military, and it looks like they've been past Hell and back." Their eyes weren't the happy teen eyes, but the adult mature eyes. Poor kids.. Growing up to fast.
"So, can you do alchemy?" He asked.
"Alchemy? No, but some of us can turn into a weapon-"
"Human transmutation" Edward interrupted.
"Like I was saying... Soul, Liz, Patti, and Crona(somewhat) can turn into weapons. Tsubaki and Black*Star isn't here, we can't find-"
"YA-HOO!!!! The great Black*Star is here!!" Black*Star said hoping through the roof. Tsubaki hoped through too.
"I'm sorry, he's nice once you get to know him." She nodded. After a while Roy said,"Alright, time to show your stuff."
IM BEING LAZY!!!! Love you guys~
<3 Allthefandoms88

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