Chapter 1

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"Maka! Maka get up!" Two voices called, Crona's and Soul's. She rubbed her head. She wasn't at Death Academy anymore, but a strange town.
"Huh... What happened"
"I don't know, Crona just woke me up." Soul shook his head, trying to think(for once.)
"I w-woke up before Soul... But only for a couple minutes.." He winced as if Ragnorak was going to hit him, which never happened.
"If I wasn't so tired, I've would've hit you by now..." He(Ragnorak) said and then fell asleep. They stared to walk around the town, hoping to find Kidd,Liz,Patti,Black*Star, and Tsubaki. After a long time of searching they ended up in the same place, but... two people, a teen and a suit of armor, came running towards them. The kid looked panicked, like he was being chased. Maka looked at Soul, "his soul... It's strong, but has a weird symbol in the middle.." She looked at the suit of armor.
"Same soulwave and it's identical hmmm..." The man that was chasing them however, his soul was protected by a soul protection. The teen turned, clapped his hand and hit the ground. A huge pillar of rock hit the man the was chasing them I to the air. "Ooooh, good job Pipsqueak Alchemist!" The teen growled,"Dont.say.pIPSQUEAK."At that point Maka was running towards them.
"Soul! Transform!" Soul nodded as a reply and transformed into a scythe. The people looked in shock as Maka ran infront of the boy and armored man with Soul in her hands.
"Maka! Wait!" Crona ran towards them too Ragnorak who was hitting Crona in the head because he was woken up.

"Ragnorak could you,please, go into your Demon Sword form..."
"Yeah, yeah.. Whatever" with that Ragnorak was now in Crona's hand as a sword. He ran up to Maka and infront of the to people.
"Human transmutation..." The teen mumbled below a whisper. Maka pointed at the spikey hair man,
"Leave these people alone! Or you'll gonna have to answer to us."
"Ahahaha!!! A little girl!! Hilarious!! Aww whatcha gonna do, go cry back to Mommy and Daddy?" He cracked up.
"we don't talk about HIM" Maka
shoots glares and then all of a sudden set Soul down and walked over to the man.
"M-Maka!" Crona and Soul tried to call her back.
"Makaaaaaaaaa CHOP!!" The man fell. While the teen died of laughter.
"Ha! Palmtree Envy get hit in the head and gives up!!"
"B-Brother.." The boy in the armor said, he sounded really young. This 'Envy' got up, "I like your spunk kid, but Father is gonna be mad if I don't go now. Soooo see ya little girl and Pipsqueak Alchemist!" And at that the teen raised his fist and Envy was gone. Crona was chatting to the armored kid. He seemed happy, which is good. Soul(who was in his human form) walked up to Maka,"what was going in your head! He could've taken you and then we're both screwed!"
"Well sorry, did you want me to just stand there?" She quickly said back, the teen in the red cloak walked you to them.
"Uhh thanks for helping, even though I didn't need any. But thanks anyway." He shrugged and was about to walk away when, his brother so called Al, ran up to him somewhat panicked.
"B-brother," he started below a whisper,"what if they ask about our,um, switceration?"
"Nah, they wouldn't ask... Maybe, we can always take them to see Mustang, he'll be shocked to see human transmutation." Al nodded if he could smile, he would. Maka, Soul, and Crona walked up to them. They needed to find the others, but how? They got lost the first 5 times...
"Ok! Listen up! We have decided to let you come with us!"
"But... What about Kidd..." Crona asked(A/N: I MAY OR MAY NOT BE A CronaxKidd shipper)
"Mustang will help ya look for them. Don't worry" he beamed, "I'm Edward, and this is Alphonse."
"I'm Maka, this is Soul and Crona" she introduced them. Edward led to Central Command, which took them a while. Central Command was HUGE about the size of DWMA, but a tiny bit bigger. They walked in, greeted by a black and white haired boy hugging Crona.
Hello there~ now a few things.
1) if the CronaxKidd comments starts a whole shipping war or something, I'm taking the story down.
2)sooooo yeah, Soul Alchemist... Sounds cool enough. Yeah, so cool. Cool as Soul and Dave Strider combined, that's a lot of coolness.

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