Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust Chapter 17

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© jamessica stories; 2010. 

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If you see these *** around speech then that means that Dimitri and Phoenix are talking mind to mind***


Chapter 17

Declan sat forward on the sofa and turned his wicked look on me. His knowing eyes made me squirm until I realised who I was now. I was a freakin Queen and Enforcer to all vampires and married to the hottest man on earth.

‘What do you mean you’re one of his men……?’ Kevin asked. Then looking at me as though he wanted to ask me if I was on any medication ‘…..really Ashes you’ve hardly made any sense since you came through that door.’

‘Jeeze Kev are you getting dense or what!’ Dec let out an exasperated sigh.

***They will just google you and find out that you are not a recognised monarch in the human world! What will we do then?*** 

***But Ashes I am a recognised Monarch,*** Dimitri’s tone was amused. ***I may not still live in Romania but I own the Peles Castle - my royal residence - where my parents still reside. If your family googled me they would find that I am King Dimitri the… what is it now… I think it’s the ninth or tenth. ***

***How is that even possible? Doesn’t anyone realise you don’t age?*** ***For the humans benefit I die every so often and then my ‘son’ who just so happens to have the same name as me takes my place. All native Romanians are Vampires Ashes and those who aren’t native know enough to keep quiet if they know what is good for them. Romania is a safe country, safe from the press and safe from having any alliances, we do not help in any wars, we haven’t joined the UN nor do we interfere with any decisions that any other country makes and they stay clear of us - it is an unofficial agreement we have.***

***How is that even possible?*** I asked as I quickly looked from one family member to the other. I still had a couple of seconds before anyone would find it weird that I hadn’t answered Kev yet.

***Because they all know that we have the best armies in the world. They don’t understand how that is possible but they keep to themselves… years ago they realised that the best way to keep their countries safe was to not interfere with Romania and history has proved that we will not attack any country - nor have we ever tried to conquer any other country. Wallachia was the last country in Romania to try and conquer anywhere and instead they were conquered in 1861 by the Turks - which, by the way didn’t last long once I intervened - but that only happened because Mircea’s family were the only other monarchs in Romania- and they were human  - they weren’t recognised by those who were vampires but back then about forty percent of the Romanian population was human, so when Mircea’s brother became king of Wallachia and slaughtered enough people to get outside attention I stepped in and sorted it out. But other than that one time we have never had any problems that stood out.***

***Okay, so I suppose we could tell them then. Thanks for telling me all this by the way!***

Dimitri chucked softly at my sarcasm. I reached under my leather coat and slid my gun from the holster at my back and checked the safety before checking the clip. I had done all of this before we left home but I wanted to do something with my hands and I was very aware of the time.

I finally looked back up at everyone in the room, they were all starring at my gun with wide eyes - except for Dimitri who still looked amused. 

I indicated the gun in my hand, ‘Ah, just double checking that its loaded.’ I said as though it was the most natural thing in the world. 

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