Once, while Ishaq ibn <Ubbad al-Basri was sleeping, he saw a
person in a dream saying, 'Relieve one who is overly anxious!'When he awoke he asked, 'Is there anyone needy in the
neighbourhood?' They replied, 'We don't know.' Then he slept
and the same dream occurred a second time, and then a third
time with the man saying, 'You are sleeping without relieving
He awoke and, taking three hundred dirhams with him,
rode his mule to Basra. There he stopped at the door of a Masjid
which was holding some funeral prayers.He entered and saw a
man praying, when the man realised he was there, he completed
his prayer and came to him. (lshaq) said, 'O servant of Allah! (What are you doing) at this time and in this place? What do you
He replied, 'I am man who possesses only one hundred
dirhams which I have lost, and I also have a debt of two hundred
dirhams.'He took out his money and said, 'Here is three hun-
dred dirhams, take them.' He took them and then (Ishaq) asked,
'Do you know me?' He replied, 'No.' He said, 'I am ishaq ibn
'Ubbad and should you face adversity, come to me, my house is
in such-and-such a place.'
He replied, 'May Allah have mercy on you! If adversity afflicts us, we will resort to the One who brought
you here to us in the first place!'
Calm Even In The Chaos
Spiritualsome life stories that will make you want to make dua, believe in Allah and the greatness of His ability