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It is finally noon and kraliçe spent her day reading her books and raising bayezid. Hanzade came time to time to spend time with kraliçe but currently she is in the gardens with solar

while kraliçe is comforting bayezid who is crying, haci agha came in again with a stroll in his hand. While kraliçe is rocking bayezid to the left and right she looked up to haci agha, "what is it now?" she asks in distress. "breathe sultana, first off..there is a letter here for you" haci agha took out the stroll. Brielle and Kraliçe glanced at eachother before kraliçe pass bayezid to brielle and she went to the other room.

Kraliçe stood up and walked closer to haci who give her the stroll

Dear, Sorina

I heard you are now in Istanbul, are you happy there? do you still think you can escape from me and your family? no matter what- we must be married. I have my eyes on you and i will get you out..

Regards, Nicolai

Kraliçe rolls her paper down in panic and haci agha looked confused, "sultana? what is wrong?" haci agha asks in concern

"haci, burn this stroll and never show it to me again" kraliçe demanded and furiously handing it to haci before sitting back down on her couch

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"haci, burn this stroll and never show it to me again" kraliçe demanded and furiously handing it to haci before sitting back down on her couch. "i understand sultana but why?" he asks in curiousity, "it is from someone in my homeland..someone who i was forced to marry to, his name is Nicolai..he's coming after me- he knows im here, haci" kraliçe raised her voice.

"Allah! Sultana, if his majesty hears about this- you are in trouble!" haci scolded in panic, "don't let anyone hear about this!!" kraliçe shouted making haci nod. "i will burn this stroll sultana dont worry but one more thing" haci said with a smile. "what is it again, haci?!!" kraliçe asks in frustration and annoyance. "his majesty has called for you" haci grinned but kraliçe gave a blank face, "sultana you must go or his majesty will get very mad again" haci suggested which caused kraliçe to groan in annoyance before standing up and storming off her chambers






"kraliçe?" murad said as he opened his arms, like the cold man he is

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"kraliçe?" murad said as he opened his arms, like the cold man he is..he didn't have any smile but from his eyes, he was filled with love. Kraliçe who was done with whatever happening today slowly walked to Murad and hugged him, "you're very different today, what happened?" he asks. "nothing, im just tired" kraliçe said while turning away and not looking at him in the eye.

"kraliçe." he warned but she didn't bother and still looked the other way with an attitude. "kraliçe, look at me in the eye when im talking to you" murad said with his voice raising, his temper is surely short. Still, kraliçe didn't look his way..it was quiet for a moment before he held her chin and directed it to his face finally making her look at him in the eye. "Do not test my patience, kraliçe. Remember, you are talking to the sultan of the whole world" murad's voice was stern and commanding.

"you're mad at me" he said, "you did this, murad!" kraliçe finally snapped..her voiced raised in anger. "what is it?!" he asks in a slight anger at her sudden outburst, "you called farya..you said you were busy, murad!" kraliçe yelled in anger. Murad raised his finger and glared at her, "you're testing my patience" he warned.

"YES I AM TESTING YOUR PATIENCE!" Kraliçe shouted, "kraliçe.. you do understand that this is tradition, you know i only love you!" murad's voice was high but he still has a bit of patience left in him. "but what if i can't stand it, murad?! I can't stand it! i want me to be your only one!" kraliçe's vocie was challenging.

"stop this before i do something that i'll regret, kraliçe" murad scolded making kraliçe frown. "you're hurting me, murad.." kraliçe muttered as tears runs down her cheeks. "remember that i am the padisha, i may have a lot of concubines but you are the only one in my heart" murad's voice toned down. "but it- it hurts so much!" kraliçe shouted with tears and began to have a meltdown, as much as murad wants to slap her..he loved her too much.

Murad walked up to kraliçe, both of his hands cupping her cheeks. "dont touch me!!!" she shouted, trying to let go of his grasp but he just stood there not doing anything as she tries to let go of his grasp in frustration. "let- me- go!!!" she shouted again before murad leaned her in to his chest as she cries in agony, "i hate you..i hate you.." kraliçe muttered weakly as murad keeps kissing her head. "i love you.." murad mutters.

After everything calmed down, kraliçe and murad sat down. It was quiet for a moment until he spoke first. "i've been meaning to give something to you" he said and kraliçe turns to him, "what?" she asks with her eyes puffy.
"this.." he showed her a tulip necklace, "you are a part of the dynasty now..you gave me a wonderful son" he said, his eyes piercing through hers with love. "let me put it on you" he whispered, kraliçe pouted..she was still angry at him but she then nodded.

"you look very beautiful with it, kraliçe" murad kissed her cheek

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"you look very beautiful with it, kraliçe" murad kissed her cheek. She tried to look angry at him but failed since she broke out a small smile, "oh so you forgive me now?" he raised an eyebrow with a slight smirk.. kraliçe just scoffed. "not necessarily" she hufts, "and i need to tell you something too" he said with his calm tone. "what is it?" kraliçe asks.
"i'll be going to war in 3 days" he said, kraliçe looked at him in disbelief.

"in 3 days?! how come you just told me this now?!" kraliçe asks in concern, "i didnt want to make you worry much while you're taking care of hanzade and bayezid" he sighs. "dont worry, i will be fine" he adds, "you should be or i will not forgive you" kraliçe pouts making him chuckle lightly. "im not sure when i will be back but just be safe and do your duties.." murad said, "dont worry...hanzade and bayezid are safe with me" kraliçe smiled lightly. "now go and i'll call you in tonight..bring hanzade and bayezid too, i will be doing paperworks and im not lying this time" kraliçe smiled at his words and nodded before leaving his chambers

on the way out, kraliçe meets ayse and she just smirked.
"oh? ayse sultana pardon me but his majesty is busy now..he's doing state matters. Come back some other time" kraliçe said cockily. "a slave like you can't tell me what to do" she scoffs making kraliçe raise her head. "do you forget that i have a sehzade, ayse? im not a slave anymore..im a sultana and i will soon reach the toppest of the top" kraliçe raised her voice and points her tulip necklace which angered ayse

Ayse slapped kraliçe hard that she almost fell, "ayse sultana! pardon me but kraliçe sultana is his majesty's favorite please dont do anything to her, sultana.." silahtar said. Ayse looked at him in disbelief, "so you side with her now.. silahtar?!" ayse yelled. "sultana-" silahtar was cutted off by ayse who's storming off. Silahtar looked at kraliçe coldly before he bow and continue his duties

Kraliçe eyed him with an attitude before walking off

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