Ruby Rose Was My Wielder,My Creator,My Partner,My Friend and............My Love....Until She Wasn't!I thought I was Her everything,Her Baby,Her Sweetheart,Her Love But No,It was all A Lie!I was NOTHING To her....Nothing but a Tool and That's all i e...
Crescent:Ya know,I Could've handled the Pyschical Beatings But The emotional Ones Didn't feel good.
The team looked down as He said what they said To him and he first pointed at Ruby.
Crescent:You Said "I DON'T Need You All The Time!Go Away!" And You also Said and I quote "I Might just with either Burn it or Break it to make new material for My New Scythe"
He next Pointed At Weiss as He said what she told him.
Crescent:Weiss,You said "YOU DON'T EVEN REALLY BELONG WITH ANYONE!" And Even Stabbed me In the Arms with Myrtenaster here.
Myrtenaster looked down as She didn't Want to do that but she was a Weapon at the time and couldn't say no while Team RWBY Realized the girl was Actually Weiss's weapon.
Weiss:Myrtenaster,Is that Really You?!
Myrtenaster didn't say a word but just Cling to Crescent as she started to Cry from remembering everytime that weiss Used her to Harm Crescent Rose as he looked at Yang and Said...
Crescent:Yang,You Grabbed me by the Throat and Yelled "Get Out Of Here,Ya Freak!" And Afterwards,YOU THREW ME OUT A FUCKING WINDOW!
Yang Looked down remembering how she got easily angered And let her frustrations out on him as he Looked at Blake and said...
Crescent:And You Blake,You Grabbed me From Out of The shower while I was Naked and Put me outside in the hall for everyone to see and You decided to Call me "Pervert" But In Actuality...YOU'RE THE PERVERT BECAUSE YOU CAME IN WHILE I WAS SHOWERING AND THREW ME IN THE HALL WHILE I HAD NO CLOTHES ON!
Blake Looked down and Regretted her Actions As does the rest of Team Rwby and Ruby said...
Ruby:Crescent,please!We're Sorry,just Forgive us.
Crescent Put his Shirt Back on and said....
Crescent:I'll forgive you After i know i can trust you Again.......So,No.
The Team Looked down and Walked out as Neo Came Close and Pulled a Sign that Said "You two Had A Rough life,huh?" As Crescent snickered At that And said he did as Myrtenaster nodded at the Question and Neo sat with them as The trio got More Ice Cream and Chatted with each other while Unbeknownst to them,Team RWBY was Watching and They All had a Depressed Face from crescent being happy without them because he Only Wanted to be friends with them or Lover in Ruby's Case but threw it away and Look what happened,Now.
Crescent Was In The Silver Steel HQ As He was laying on A couch With One of the Members Sitting on a chair.
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This was Jason,He acted as Silver Steel's Therapist and was also one of it's brains.
Jason:So,Crescent....Can You Tell Me why You felt So sad?
Crescent Looked Down as he Explained Why.'s because after re meeting With My Ex,A Lot Of Old Feelings Resurfaced and even though,I Love Myrtenaster And My Ex Drove To Try and Commit Suicide......I still love her for some reason.
Jason simply sighed and explained that When a person still has feelings for their ex,it simply means that they miss the good times you shared and you want to get back to that other words,it's one of the signs showing that They aren't Ready for closure.
Crescent:S-so,You're Saying that.....I'm just Not Ready To M-move on without her.
Jason:Indeed and it's Very much Possible that she's also going through the same thing as you.
Crescent walked out and looked at his with one thought.
Crescent:''s true because.....i need You in my life'
Crescent didn't know it but he shown another sign of Being not ready for Closure.