Ruby Rose Was My Wielder,My Creator,My Partner,My Friend and............My Love....Until She Wasn't!I thought I was Her everything,Her Baby,Her Sweetheart,Her Love But No,It was all A Lie!I was NOTHING To her....Nothing but a Tool and That's all i e...
Ruby:You Never Felt acted Like You had Anything to worry about & I guess everyone was Jealous......Especially,Me that we Brought it in through the Wrong way.
Ruby:But like i said,I don't Have a Choice since I'm stuck as A leader but If i was Given a choice.....i would've just Gone Home.....
Cress immediately Yelled at her asking why she tried to break into his House as She said....
Ruby:I'm The one who has to pick everyone but No one EVER Makes Time for Me!They always Come to ME For their Problems but What about MY problems?!I'm A Human,Too!
Cress Was shocked by what Ruby said and wanted to Apologize.
Cress:Ruby,I-i-i didn't know....I'm really So-
Cress Was surprised by Ruby Raising her Voice at Him because she Never RAISES her Voice At Anyone in anger......How Much of her has Changed?
Ruby:Don't do that
She raised her head to Cress to reveal that she has been Crying.
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(An:AGAIN,Ignore Mouse & Background)
Ruby:....Just Don't.
Cress nodded and was going to tell Ruby to Let him know before hand,if she wanted to talk but she already left as Cress sighed and went Home.
It's a been 2 weeks since that happened and we open to see Cress Waking up with a splitting headache but something or rather,Someone is holding him down.
He turns to see who it is and Goes wide eye and at what he saw... was Ruby......And SHE WAS NAKED IN HIS BED!
Now that he feels the air,he looks down to see he's also Naked!
Cress:'WHY AM I NAKED?!'
Ruby finally wakes and notices two things,One is that she's in the nude and the other is......she isn't in her dorm.
She turns to face who saw her buck naked and saw Cress.
Cress:Calm Do-
She proceeds to slap the Shit out of him and Covered herself with the blanket as she demands to Know what happened but Cress says he's as lost as her.
The two remain in awkward Silence until they remember they both went to a Bar.
Cress Went to junior's To go drink some more alcohol and to get his mind off of what ruby said.
He enters the Bar as Junior notices him and gives him the drink that he had last time,Not caring why...he Chugs it down immediately.
Unaware of a certain somebody coming into the bar and Ordering some alcohol,herself.
Ruby:give a Mix of Whiskey,tequila and vodka.
Junior was surprised by the Leader of Team RWBY Coming in but he gave her what she ordered as she paid and gulped it down instantly and was gonna get another until she saw cress.
Junior looked at the two in surprise and said....
Junior:You two know each other?
Ruby and cress deadpanned each other as they looked back at Junior.
Ruby & Cress:You could say that....MORE BEER!
Junior Sighs Seeing these Two might be a headache.
They kept drinking non stop and didn't stop until they forced to!Which was at 59 drinks for both of them.
Drunk Cress:*Burp*that was something*Hic*Else!But I'm Bored,Now!
A drunk Ruby comes to his side and exclaims While burping and Making hiccups.
Drunk Ruby:Me*Hic*Too!
Cress drunkenly wrapped his arm around Ruby and said in a Drunk seductive tone.
Drunk Cress:*Hic*Wanna head back to my place for the night?
Ruby drunkenly wraps her arms around him as she says...
Drunk Ruby:I don't*Burp*Mind But Do you*Hic*Mind that this Rose has...Thorns?~
Cress Smirks and Carries Her Bridal style as Junior watched the two off.
Cress and Ruby blush redder than a tomato as The memories return and they Now Remember what happened.
Cress & Ruby:Oh yeah.....
They basically Fucked while being Drunk....but they also said things except they can't remember what it was.
The duo got dressed and ruby went back to Beacon as Cress went to Work and they both decided to forget this Ever happened!