Steve likes Disney

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Fanfictionlover_5678 suggested Steve and Baby Reader so here~

Steve was watching (Y/N) today so Bruce and Natasha could go out on a date night. He planned a fun night for the two of them. Disney movies, stuffed animals, snacks. He had it all.

"Alright (Y/N). Your mommy showed me this movie when I first joined the Avengers, and let me tell you that it's awesome!" He put in the movie. A sun popped up on the screen and the loved song, "Circle Of Life" started to play. (Y/B) giggled and clapped her hands.

Steve sat her down in his lap and watched a series of Disney movies. Lion King, Finding Nemo (her favorite), Cinderella (Steve's favorite), and lastly, Monster Inc. (AUTHORS FAVORITE).

(Y/N) ended up falling asleep in Steve's lap. She hugged a Finding Nemo plushy and his strong arm.

Thank god at least ONE avenger was responsible.

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