Bubble Wrap

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Little (Y/N) found an old box in Bruce's study. It was empty, accept for the small sheet of bubble wrap. "Booble!" She sang happily as she grabbed the strange sheet, and she popped a bubble. Giggling, she poked another bubble, making it pop. This went on for a while until Bruce came into his study and saw little (Y/N) in the box with a sheet of popped bubble wrap.

"B-Booble...?" She teared up, looking at the dead bubbles. Bruce chucked and picked her up.

"I'm sure we can find more bubble wrap somewhere, sweetheart." He cooed as she walked into the garage to find more bubble wrap. He looked all around and found a box full to the brim with bubble wrap.

"Booble!!" (Y/N) squeaked and grabbed all the bubble wrap with her tiny hands. Bruce chucked again and brought the box back inside into the living room where Natasha was feeding Steven.

"I was trying to hide that from her, Brucey." Natasha said.

"But just look at her little face..."


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