The Beginning

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"Open your eyes"
"Open your eyes"
"Wake up link"
A blonde man slowly opens his eyes and starts to feel a cool liquid roll off his body. As he sits up and rubs his eyes, he finds himself in an unfamiliar room. The room is cold, and has a earthy smell to it. As he stands up and looks around he sees an odd object in a weird pedestal. As he approaches it, he hears the voice again.
"That is a Sheikah Slate. Take it. It will help guide you after your long slumber."
The man slowly grabs the slate and examines it. Suddenly a blue light pops up along with an eye shows up on the front of it. The back of the slate also shows the same thing just with a blue eye in the middle and a brown outline.

*Link* pov

Where am I? I just woke up in this room. My name must be Link. That was what the voice called me. I look to my right and see a pedestal. I begin to walk towards it when the voice speaks again. As I pick up the "Sheikah slate" as the voice calls it, I get some sense as I should know what it is. I have never seen it before but it just feels right in my hand.

*Link suddenly falls to the ground, the slate falling to the ground as his hands shot to his head.*

I clutch my head as I see a woman also with the slate in her hands. She has blond hair and what looks like a blue and white outfit. I am broken out of my thoughts when I hear a weird sound. As I look up, I see that the door has opened up into a new corridor. I stand up and grab the slate. Wait, why am I just wearing my underwear, what the hell is this. I shake my head before walking through the door. Just as I do, I am greeted with a room with 2 chests, 4 crates, and 4 barrels. I walk up to the chests and open the one on the right. I see a pair of worn trousers in them. When I pick them up, I hear a dinging sound coming from the slate. When I pick it up to look at it, I see that it has opened up to a menu of sort with different icons for each page. One has a sword, the other a bow with an arrow, one has a shield, the next one has a shirt, the one after has an circle with a stick coming from it, then its a weird curved square, and a star as the last one. I swipe left from the star and I see the pants on the page with a 1 in the bottom right corner. I click on it and it gives me the option to either equip or cancel. I click equip and suddenly the show up on me. What a weird object. I hook the slate to my pants and go the the second chest. I open it and as soon as my hand touches the old shirt, it disappears in a whisp of blue light. I look around before checking the slate and of course, it is there to the right of the pants, I look to the bottom of the slate to see a sort button. I click it and it sends the shirt to the left of the pants. I select it and hit equip and bam, I'm no longer half naked. I place the slate back on my waist before heading down the ramp and to a pedestal with a flat surface and the weird eye symbol. I stop looking when the voice starts to speak again.

"Hold the sheikah slate up to the pedestal. That will show you the way."

I do what she says and in a flash of blue, the door next to me opens. As I walk in front of the opening I hear the voice speak again.

"Link you are the light....our light... That must shine upon hyrule once again. Now go."

All of a sudden I want to reply and say exuuuuse me princess, but I hold it in. I don't know why I want to say that but I don't say it out loud. I start up that stairs before seeing a puddle and a weird cliff. I make my way past the puddle and real hold of the mini cliff and hoist myself up. I start climbing and once I make it to the top, I and walk out of this weird cave with awesome decorations. I run outside and stand on the edge to take in the beautiful land that must be hyrule. I see something to my right and when I look, I see a weird man down below where I'm standing.

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