New friend

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I walk down the road before stopping. I see a weird creature on the trees in front of me. I crouch down and slowly creep up to the tree and throw out my hand to catch it. When my hand touches it, just like the clothes, it goes into my slate. I creep up to the other trees and repeat the same process. I grab 3 more "bladed rhino Beatles" and manage to grab a "Hightail Lizard" along with some "Hylian Shrooms". I start walking down to see who was that man I saw when the voice spoke again.

" Head to point marked on the map on your sheikah slate."

I check the slate and on the top left of the front, I see a button that says map. I click it and it shows me a big screen with blue lines all over it. I see that their is a yellow dot on the map. I clip the slate back on my waist before walking down the hill to the man. I look around him and spot a wooden stick with a cloth on the top behind him, A fire, another one of those spheres with a mini stick on them only this one is more black than red, and a stick with a box he's using to poke the fire. I walk closer to him and start to say hi.

"Who are you young one? Its unusual to see another soul in these parts." The man replies

"I could ask the same, who are you?" I say.

"Me?, I'll spare you my life story. I'm just an old man who as lived here for a long time. What brings you hear young man?" The man says

"I'm link, and I just woke up here, little memory to my name. Where are we, if I may ask?" I reply

"We are on the Great Plateau, the birthplace of Hyrule. If you look behind me, you'll see a temple. That temple is, well was the sight of many secret ceremonies. But now, just a ghost of its former self, 100 years after the decline of the kingdom. I shall stay here for a while, let me know if you need anything." The old man says before sitting down.

I say bye before walking down the hill and grabbing the axe I saw earlier. It was heavy but I was confused on why it didn't go into the slate. When I grab the slate to look, I see its already equipped. That will come in handy. I also notice that their is a buckle on my back. I guess that is the sheath. I take the "wood cutter axe", place it behind me and when it gets to the buckle, it snaps shut over the handle. This is epic, I go to tap the handle and the buckle opens with barely a pull.

  With that all figured out, I head toward a cliff that leads to water because I see a sword in the middle of the pond on a rock. I look down into the water and see a circle made out of some pads of grass. I jump down in the circle because why not when all of a sudden a weird tree baby shows up and starts talking to me.

"You found me, wait your not hetsu, but you can see me? I didn't know your kind could see koroks, Well if you run into hetsu hand him this korok seed." The "korok" says. "Also my friends are also hiding in odd places, their should be 899 others hidden in the wild. Don't be shy looking into suspicious places.

I tell him okay and start swimming to the rock on the middle of the pond to grab the sword. When I reach the rock, I climb up and grab the sword. It's a bit rusty but it will do. I jump down into the water before going to explore the houses that have been destroyed. Around some of the houses I see these weird machines. It looks like they are the one who destroyed most of the buildings.

*A hour later*

After a while of searching, the only things I could find are " ancient screws/gears/shafts" and a pair of Hylian trousers. Theirs not much around in terms of materials but I did run into a weird creature. It was orange with a horn on its head. It had a loincloth on and wielded a wooden club. He was pretty easy to kill. Just two hits with my axe to the head and he died. I also went into the temple the old man mentioned. I killed another one of those orange freaks and took his club. I also go some arrows after accidentally breaking a pot. I also found a travelers bow in a chest.

When I was done looking I decided to head to the point on my map. After looking at it for a bit, I started to walk in the right direction. I look to the north only to see two of those orange freaks with what look like bows in their hands. I start walking to my right in hopes to get around them and kill them. Before I do, I see a women run up to them and start to attack. I watch as she dodges their arrows before shoving her blades in their head. After she is done, she cleans the blood of her blades and I decide to walk out.

"Who are you?" The women stutters out.

"Isn't it common courtesy to tell your own name before asking another's?" I reply

"I'm sorry, I'm paya, and I'm from kakariko village." she says as she looks at me through her finger. Heh, she must be shy. Hmm, odd with those skills in fighting, she seemed like she would have been more confident.

"I'm link. I just woke up here in the shrine of resurrection." I said while walking closer. "What are you doing here?"

She replies "I'm looking for you, in an old prophecy, it was said that the daughter of the head of kakariko will journey with the hero of the wild."

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