4 Shrines

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After talking a bit with paya, I told her to head back to her village. I mainly said this because I don't really trust her quite yet. After arguing a bit, she finally relented and began her journey home. After watching her move out of sight, I started to walk to the tower. It did shock me on how she was able to disappear in a cloud of smoke, but, from what she told me, its common among the sheikah warriors.

When I got to the location the voice marked, I dealt with the orange freak that she called a bokoblin. I knocked the shield out of his hands with my axe and slammed it into his head. I am glad that the enemies I kill do not bleed. It would be a giant pain to get the blood off my clothes. Its also nice that when they die, the disappear in a purple ball and leave a horn or tooth. I might be able to sell those. When I placed the slate into the pedestal, the ground around me started to shake and all of a sudden I started to rise higher into the air. Its difficult to try and stay standing up because of the shaking but I gripped the pedestal tightly and waited for the tower to finally stop getting taller. I do like the view from up here though. I can see 4 weird buildings and a old wooden house. I can also see a couple of more tower raising up. Those weird builds are also starting to glow.

When I stopped going higher into the air, I saw that a blue circle lit up on the opposite side of me with that eye symbol. I do wonder what that eye symbol means. After hearing a sound I turn to look at the pedestal and see that the thing above it has a weird language on it and a blue liquid starting to grow at the bottom of it. When it finally stops growing, it falls on my slate and when I check it out, there seems to be a map of the plateau. That will definitely come in handy. When the slate rose out of the pedestal, I grabbed it and started to turn around.Then that voice started to speak again.

"Remember" the voice speaks, " Try...try to remember."

I walk towards the edge of the tower to look at the giant building in the distance.

"You have been asleep for the last 100 years." The voice continues, "The beast, when the beast regains its true power, this world will be destroyed."

"So not only have I been asleep for the past 100 years, I'm supposed to stop a beast from killing us all?" I reply. Of course it doesn't acknowledge my question. Also as I finish saying that, a weird purple and red thing comes out from the building and wraps around it.

"Now then...You must hurry Link, before its too late!" And with that the voice stops talking.

After I'm sure the voice will no longer speak, I walk towards the only open hole in the tower to begin my climb down. Right as I do, I notice that the platforms are all wrapped around the tower and I can jump down to each one. When I reach the bottom, after totally not almost falling, I hear mans voice scream.

"Hooooo!" With that, the old man glides down on what looks likes sticks and cloth put together. "My my, it seems like we have quite the enigma here. Multiple towers like this one have erupted across the land. Its almost like you have awoken a long dormant power. May I ask young one, did anything odd occur while you were at the top of the tower?"

"Yeah, I heard a random voice and I saw that purple beast rise up and cover that building" I reply

"Well now, a voice you say? Did you happen to recognize this voice?" He asks.

I reply with no and he goes on to ask if I will travel to the Castle. I reply with a quick yes because I can feel it in my bones that I must go there.

"Hmm, well on this plateau, we are surrounded by sheer cliffs that will surely kill you." He says with a shake of his head. " That is, if you had my paraglider, it would be a whole other story. "

"Can I borrow it for a bit?" I ask.

The man replies "My boy you can have it, for a small amount of treasure of course. You see that building over there, the one glowing orange? It only started glowing after the tower showed up. There has to be treasure inside don't you think? If you bring me a piece of treasure from the 4 shrines around this plateau, I will gladly give my paraglider to you."

There is no way this is a scam so I reply with a quick yes. With that he said to come and find him when I'm done and that after I'm done with the first shrine, he'll give me a tip to find the other three. After talking to him, I start the walk over to the shrine. When I get there I see 3 metal crates, 3 chests, and a metal sheet in the water. I open the chest closest to the shrine and find a ruby inside of it.

I walk to the entrance of the shrine, put the slate up to the pedestal and watch as the metal door opens. In side a see a lift that when I step on it, it starts to descend into the ground with a blue light. When I reach the bottom, I hear a different voice tell me that he proposes a challenge to me and that a reward awaits me at the end. With that done, I walk to the pedestal with an indent and place the slate inside. After the blue drop of liquid falls on my slate, I notice that it changed to a screen labeled runes and that I can now use the slate to turn it into a magnet and move metal objects around. With this I will definitely be able to complete the shrine.

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