Continuation of Episode 1🎶

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Jae Rim: That was him

Jade: And this is you, it's just 9, and that was even 90 times plus, she smiles,I mean how much is 90 times, even we humans do

Jae Rim: You will try it 90 times

Ji Hoo chuckles

Jade: Guyy, don't be too harsh on me,.....
The trio go silent for a while,after a while..

Jade: Anyways, clears her throat,she stands on the table

Jae Rim: What are you doing, just get down, you are embarrassing us.. he hides his face,he says lowly

Ji Hoo: For real,Jade get down.. everyone is looking at us.. he bows his head, embarrassed too

Jade: she clears her throat again,she swallows in her saliva, and holds her hair brush for a mic, she starts a song,
🎶Maybe- Dream high

Jade: 🎶 Maybe you are the one.. she sings the first part, smiling

Ji Hoo: he sighs🎶 Maybe you are my dream, he signals to Jae Rim to continue,Jae Rim looks away and continues writing,Ji Hoo eyes him
  The both sing the first chorus
Jade: Aish ..tsk, she eyes Jae Rim

Meanwhile,a secret agent from Seoul's Institute of Arts was spying on them,

Jade: 🎶 Maybe you are the.. she sings the first part after the chorus

Jae Rim: he sighs and gets up, after Ji Hoo,he sings the high pitch,so perfectly, people cheer,amazed that a guy could sing a pitch so high that perfectly,Jade smile, and joins in,then Ji Hoo follows, Smiling.

After everyone claps and cheers,Jae Rim pays their bills, while the two wait at the entrance

The Agent (,Ms Betty): Hi, she smiles, I am Betty Lee, a Korean.. and I am sure you three are Koreans if I am not mistaken,

Jade: blushes, Yes ma,we are

Ms. Betty: she smiles, By the way, where's your third?

Jade: He's coming ma'am she smiles, just then,Jae Rim walks in, and bows a bit,she smiles

Jae Rim: to the two, I'll be waiting for you two outside,he says quietly

Jade: It's for the three of us actually

Jae Rim: Oh.. really? he stays

Ms Betty: Urm.. Ok, I'll go straight to the point, Seoul's Institute of Arts are having an audition in Seoul,South Korea, for youths who would like to train to be singers and stars in the future, she smiles, And most of our students who graduated have already been signed to Music record labels,Here she hands them three invite cards, Incase you are interested.. she grins

Jae Rim: I am sorry but I am not interested ma'am about to leave

Ji Hoo: Aish he eyes Jae Rim

Ms Betty: Oh... downcast

Jade: she smiles, Not to worry ma'am,we will all come

Jae Rim: What are you doing? Have I been complaining to the wall since? Do you want me to travel to Korea to round it all up to 10?

Jade: Oh man of little faith,Aigoo.. ma'am he's coming, Ms Betty tries to smile, not convinced yet

Jae Rim: Jade..

Ji Hoo: We are both traveling to Korea, except you wanna stay in America doing nothing for the next two to five years

Jae Rim: Five..look, nevermind,I will go Ms Betty flashes a bright smile suddenly

Ms Betty: We'll be expecting you three okay? she smiles,Bye

Jade: After she leaves, I like her personality she smiles

Ji Hoo: I know right.. Jae Rim sighs, looking at the invite card

Scene 16,
~In a beautiful lit room
Min Rae: 🎶Aw.. she sings the opera musical notes as she plays the piano, 🎶Aw aw aw aw

Instructor Li presses the 🎶do key on the keyboard to stop her " Start again" she says

Min Rae sighs, and starts again,the Instructor stops her again, "Start again"

Min Rae: Ah more like"aargh" as she roughens her hair a little, I am fed up, she says angrily, Haven't I gotten the perfect note??

Instructor Li: Are you talking to me?

Min Rae: she pauses,so fed up at this point,I have been singing this for hours, won't you give me a break

Instructor Li: A Break? did you say a break? a break when the audition is in just five days time, you are not just to pass, you are to be the first!

Min Rae: she sighs, Enough of it! Why don't you go and audition instead
,What's with the pressure,who cares about that?look.. you know what, excuse me,when you are done, leave she leaves ignoring Instructor Li's call

Instructor Li: Ugh! that brat

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