Chapter 1{Athena and Satan's abomination}

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Katsuki works as an assassin devil. One of the strongest ones among all eight rings of hell and ranking No 1 in the charts yearly, he has been asked to go on a mission which he called stupid at first glance. To Katsuki's surprise, it turned out to be more complex than the surface suggests.

"You want me to infiltrate in a high school? In the living world?! Who are we even after!" Katsuki complaints, feeling like he's taken as a newbie.

"A runaway who has caused a lot of trouble and cannot be left unpunished," his boss explained on a pissed off tone. "He has made complaints about people falling into hell for no reason AND has freed and gave a new chance to some shitty demons," he added with pure disgust on his face.

The boss slides a case document to Katsuki and without hesitation, he takes it. After looking through it, Katsuki states that it's kinda empty. Apparently, we don't know much about him. Not his name, not his face, not the family he come from, nothing. Katsuki clicked his tongue.

When he got to the last page, though, he saw some live pictures captured by the security cameras. At first glance, he thought it was an angel, but after looking at it for a few seconds and see the picture moving a bit, he saw not any kind of devil, but a white one.

'How is that possible...?' Katsuki thought to himself.

"And this runaway," the blonde started. "Is he by any chance Athena's abomination with Satan?" Katsuki asked a bit confused.

"That's whe we think, we can't be sure, though, since we've never saw him, we just heard he exists," the boss explained and hanged Katsuki more live pictures.

"It's surely him," he mumbled while concentrating on the pictures.

It couldn't be anyone else. What devil would have while angel wings and white devil horns. It was obviously Athena's abomination with Satan. In all pictures, he face was blurred, tho.

"How much is it?" Katsuki asked for details about the mission.

"$30 000 souls if you bring him dead, $50 000 souls if you bring him alive."

Katsuki laughed to himself and got up to leave.

"You know I'm bringing him here alive and well," he said on his way out and then left.

On his way to his office he kept on looking though the runaway's case file and at one point he stopped. On the 5th page, towards the end of the page, it was an aura detector that cought him. All the others were unsuccessful since he was too fast, but it seems that he's not that fast after all. The detector indicated 6 000 aura capacity. Katsuki laughed and kept on walking.

It's the first time when someone is that close to his aura capacity. His is 6 500 and he's been trying to raise it.

After getting to his own office, he sits on the chair, opens his computer and realizes that he doesn't have any other kills scheduled. His schedule is free, which means he can concentrate on this one task. His boss said he'll pay him with $50 000 souls. This runaway seems to be very special.

Since it's Athena's son, he might be able to get us into Paradise, but what would he be doing in the Pride ring? Was he exiled from Paradise since he's half devil? Katsuki had a lot of questions, but he was patient. All the answers are at that runaway. He just needs to catch it.

He went to his disguise corner and was deciding on what he's gonna appear as. He could've changed his appearance into something totally different than his devil look, but he decided to keep it and throw an 'unrecognizable' incantation, so no other devil would recognize him and try to kick him out of the game. That much for a single person, it was obvious there wereore on his steps.

Being recognized by other devil who are on the runaway's steps is the last thing he wants. Since it's a high school, he might need to have a 'home', so he called his parents to help.

"Hey, ma, can you and dad come to the living world with me? I hafta disguise as a high school student," he explained to his mom as he changed his appearance.

"So you're finally going to school?" His mother mocks him then agrees to help him.

Katsuki had been working as an assassin since he was 16. His boss saw a sparkle in him and decided to convince him to give up on school. Of course, his parents were prone of his plan at all, but what could they do? They couldn't stop him. Katsuki is now 19 years old.

It's been 4 years since he became an assassin and he ranked No 1 four years in a row and it doesn't look like he'll stop any time soon.

Even tho Katsuki acts like he's not like his parents, he does have a drop of compassion and mercy in him. Only for those close to him. For those he trusts and those who have helped him. Not enough to be called a 'Lust ring abomination' like the devils who feel mercy and compassion are called, tho.

After arriving in the living world and doing some sorcery to create some fake memories for everyone around them and some sorcery to fool the U.A. teachers into thinking he was at the entrance exam and he passed, Katsuki started working in his behavior.

He has to act like a 16 year old and since he didn't age one bit since he dropped school, it's easy to keep it up. To be honest, it's harder to keep up the mature facade. This is like a vacation. Just a little bit more complicated.

"Since you didn't actually went to school, you'll need at actually study those thing?" His mother asked while using some simple incantations to make the house feel more like a home.

"Nah, I'll just use some sorcery," Katsuki replied kinda annoyed by the question. He kept on looking through the files to find something that would help him at least a little bit on the runaway's appearance.

He couldn't find anything, his face was blurred everywhere.

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