Chapter four- A new beginning

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(At long last a new chapter has arrived! Sorry for the wait!!)

Caranattes POV:

The is not going as I expected. Not one tiny tootsie of a bit. Here I am, surrounded by what is supposed to be a grand and mighty army, instead it's a covey of misfits. It began about a month ago, me and my mothers, Stella and Audrey, were desperately trying to gather supplies and personnel to help us confront Ms. Green. No one would help us, after all, Stella is known as the town crazy and hopeless romantic. Audrey was a bit more persuasive, but donations came in pitiful helpings. We had no home, no place to live. My furry brother Eugene was off with his boyfriend and mentor, the vexingly handsome doorman and Tom Holland, probably getting into some trouble in the world of babysitting and religion. My parents really love each other, but Audrey was getting tired of Stellas constant whines, she really missed her boyfriend comic. It was a hard time, but eventually we ran into Pincher Pen Penny, the man who tried to kill my mother by accident. He was sorry, and he wanted a way to make things right between us. Awesome, he's not a great assassin, but he can get the job done, just what we need to bring down Miss Green. He quickly recruited more of his friends, ones who wanted to fight, and we assembled a team. Each one had a different reason to rebel, but each was very secretive, and for good reason. The patrol of green agents on the hunt was astronomical, no one could risk exposure. So, that's how Verity, Sadie, Pincher, and Paige joined our team.

We sat around the dying campfire, miles away from civilization, all slowly regretting the decision. No one had eaten in 2 days and the mood was far from cheerful. Pincher stood against an old oak towards the back, brooding, his dark hair blocking out his eyes. Paige and Sadie were snuggling, while Verity stared daggers at them. No one could forget the incident, and Verity certainly could not. To make matters worse, Bread was being held captive in Mrs. Greens castle of horrors. Veritys eyes were full of sadness thinking of her tasty and far away love. Stella was listening to her weird anime boy music, while Audrey lazily bounced a soccer ball up and down. Their relationship was slowly going down the drain, and everyone could feel the icy wall going up between them. The silence was unbearable until finally, Pincher spoke up. With a look up from his brooding he exclaimed,

"Cara, what are we even doing here, there's no food or shelter, you promised us a place to go, but so far I don't see any." 

Oh, boy. Did he really have the nerve to complain, after all I've been through! My words came out angry and flustered.

"Listen here Pen Penny, if you've got a problem, shove it up my butt! I don't have time for this, I'm planning a war you buddy boo blotches!" 

Penny was not impressed; he gently swished his golden locks out of his eyes and sat his curvy and delicious body down on the ground. He looked up at the group and shook his head, clearly annoyed with the rest of them for being so passive to their so-called leader.

"Just figure something out Cara, I know I'm speaking for all of us when I say we need a good leader." 

I breathed a sigh of frustration and determination; I can understand where he's coming from. The thought of surrender and just to pack up and go home is just crossing my plump gelato lips when I hear a small rustle from the nearby bushes. The group looks up with intent and caution, Audrey tightens her grip on her soccer ball and Pincher Pen Penny is smoothing his hair back, to look great while fights someone. The bushes start to scratch again, and I hold my breath. Suddenly, the mask of leaves pulls back to reveal a small unsightly orange blob, and upon closer inspection, a live one!

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