Moving Day

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"I'm gonna miss you so much."


Three months later the Byers were moving to California. El was going with them since Hopper died at Starcourt. Liv's arm had fully healed and now she and Max were sitting in the living room, surrounded by boxes, as they sang Never Ending Story to annoy Dustin.

"Turn around. Look at what you see. In her face. The mirror of your dreams. Rhymes that keep their secrets will unfold behind the clouds." Liv and Max obnoxiously sang while Dustin looked at the two of them like he wanted to murder them.

"Wait, did we get that verse right? It's 'unfold behind the clouds'?" Max teasingly asked.

"Yeah, but you're butchering it, so could you please stop?" Dustin asked in a monotone voice.

"So then join in, Dusty-bun." Liv teased as she blew a kiss at him.

"Yeah, come on, Dusty-bun, why don't you join us?" Max asked with a smirk.

"You guys are so funny, you should be on Carson." Dustin told them with a blank look on his face.

"Can't we just hear your rendition?" Max asked.


"Please? Just one verse?" Max begged.

"No. No way. It's reserved for Suzie's ears and Suzie's ears alone." Dustin raised his voice.

Liv and Max looked at each other before they started to sing again. "Turn around. Look at what you see. In their face." Max pulled Liv up from the floor and spun her as Dustin waved his middle finger at them. "The mirror of your dreams."

"Shut up, you guys." Dustin yelled.

"Rhymes that keep their secrets." They continued to sing.

"Stop! You guys, please, shut up." Dustin begged.

"Come on, Dusty-bun." Liv teased with a smirk.

"Liv, I'm serious!" Dustin shouted at her.

Liv smirked as she took Max's hand in her own and got down on one knee, imitating Dustin. "Suzie-poo, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"

"Of course I will, Dusty-bun." Max put her hand on her heart.

Liv stood up and put one of her rings on Max's finger as Dustin threw a pillow at them.


Everyone was now outside saying their goodbyes to the Byers. Will and El went down the line, saying goodbye to their friends.

When El got to Liv she basically threw herself into Liv's arms. "I'm gonna miss you so much."

"I'm gonna miss you too, El." Liv smiled as they pulled away from the hug. "If anyone gives you problems, call me and I'll fly over there and beat the living shit out of them."

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