The Massacre at Hawkins Lab

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"Livie, wake up!


After being caught by the police, Max, Lucas, Dustin, and Liv were taken back to the Wheelers house. They were all seated on the couch as Chief Powell, Officer Callahan, Lucas' parents and Erica, Mike and Nancy's parents, and Dustin's mom were all seated in front of them.

The cops tried to get ahold of Max's mom and Liv's parents but of course they couldn't. Liv's parents couldn't care less if she actually got arrested. And God knows where Max's mom is.

"And what exactly were you all doing at the lake?" Chief Powell interrogated.

Lucas, Dustin, Liv, and Max looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

"Uh... It's comp-"

"We were... We were just going for a walk." Max answered.

"A walk? At 9:00 pm?" Callahan asked.

"To the lake." Liv said.

"We were gonna take a little swim. Little night swim." Dustin squeaked.

"Dusty. Someone was just murdered there." Dustin's mom interrupted.

"Yeah, we... we didn't realize that until we got there." Dustin quickly came up with an excuse.

"That's why we didn't swim." Lucas added.

"And Nancy, was she with you at this night swim?" Karen asked.


"Yes. Uh..."

Dustin and Max shared a look.

"We're not sure." Lucas said.

"She was there. Then she left. It's all a little confusing." Dustin whispered that last part.

"That's when you guys came." Lucas added as he pointed to Chief Powell and the other cops.

"Right. And then they dared me to say what I said." Liv lied. "You know Max. Always causing trouble."

"Oh, yeah." Max nodded.

"About the killer." Liv specified as Dustin and Lucas just laughed.

"You're lucky you didn't get shot." Ted jumped in.

"Have you had any contact with Eddie?" Chief Powell asked.

"That psycho... freak killer? God, no. Nope. Absolutely not." Dustin insulted, no matter how much it pained him to do so.

"No. We haven't heard from him in ages." Max shook her head.

"We barely know the guy." Lucas added.

"Who?" Liv asked.

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