Chapter Forty-Three

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Opening my eyes, I caught sight of the same man that had watched me in the park with Gracey and Leo.

Making a split-second decision, I walked towards him. I needed to direct my anger at someone and creepy stalker would do.

As I neared him, he turned and began to walk towards the beach. Following him at a slight jog, I watched him take the stairs down to the pier.

Ignoring the butterflies in my stomach, I ran down the stairs following him. Watching him turn around the corner of the new café that I had had the misfortune of running into Pollyanna, I bolted after him.

Reaching him, he stood off to the side of the pier, closer to the beach nicknamed 'Pier Beach'.

Curling my hands into fists, I approached him and stopped a few steps away.

He smiled at me pleasantly. He was boring. There was nothing exceptional about him. He looked ordinary. Plain brown hair, a pale blue polo and a pair of jeans.

There was something about him that gave me the heebie-jeebies. He looked familiar too, but I couldn't place where I had seen him before.

Holding out his hand to me, he waited for me to take it. I just looked at it and then at him. I wasn't about to touch him.

"Where are your manners, Everly?" he asked, his voice I would recognise anywhere.

My mouth dropped open and I slowly backed away from him as it dawned on me who was standing before me. Mr P in his human form was just as creepy, if not more when he wasn't wearing his clown face.

"Now, now Everly. Mr Murphy taught you better manners than that." He taunted.

Flicking back through my memories, I tried to place where I had seen him before. Trying to place him, I racked my brain for any memory of him with Mr Murphy.

He smiled as he watched me work out in real time where I had seen him before. Robert Henry. His name didn't sound evil. It didn't sound like a serial killer's name.

Staring at him in disbelief I thought of another Henry I had met a couple of times. Edward Henry had been executed by Sebastian with Luc's help.

Everything began to fall into place. I was finally learning why Mr P/Robert Henry had targeted me.

Edward Henry had been a wannabe serial killer. He had attempted to kill Hadley and I for revenge. He had ultimately failed, but he had gotten close. I could still feel his hands around my neck as he had tried to squeeze the life out of me. He had come so close and yet so far.

It seemed Robert Henry was taking over for his brother and he was a far scarier serial killer.

"I see you've finally worked out who I am." He grinned at me, the grin was still as creepy as ever, with or without the mask.

I had nothing to say to him.

"Now, now. Don't tell me the cat has your tongue." He joked, cocking his head to the side "I thought you were going to put a bullet in me."

Shaking my head, I began to back away. I wanted to be as far as I could get from him.

Shaking his head, Psycho walked towards me "You can't leave so soon, dear. We haven't even talked about your marriage yet. We haven't talked about the secrets your hiding from your husband."

"Fuck off, Psycho. Go back to the hole you crawled out of." I finally snapped, fear rippled through me.

I had almost forgotten about Mr P, naively the silence had lulled me into a sense of false security. I had thought my threat had scared him off. Now, I understood. He had wanted me to feel safe again, he was still playing with me.

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