Chapter 17: Grief

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Marcelo stood at the edge of a cliff overlooking the vast ocean, the wind whipping at his clothes and hair. It had been months since the death of WildOutSider, but the pain was still raw and the grief overwhelming.

He had tried to throw himself into his work, practicing his magic relentlessly and taking on missions to distract himself from the loss, but nothing seemed to help. He felt lost without his mentor, his friend, his father figure.

As he gazed out at the endless sea, he thought back to the day he had found WildOutSider's lifeless body. He had been on a mission with Ritixz, who had been strangely quiet and distant the entire time. When they had returned to their campsite, Marcelo had discovered WildOutSider lying motionless on the ground, a look of peace on his face.

Marcelo had been inconsolable, and Ritixz had tried to comfort him, but he couldn't shake the feeling that Ritixz had known something was going to happen. He had confronted Ritixz about it, but Ritixz had simply denied any involvement.

Now, as he stood alone on the cliff, Marcelo couldn't help but feel a sense of anger and betrayal towards Ritixz. He had trusted him, had believed in him, and now he couldn't even look at him without feeling a sense of disgust.

But he couldn't let his anger consume him. He had to honor WildOutSider's memory, had to continue his legacy and protect the world from evil. It was what WildOutSider would have wanted.

As the sun began to set on the horizon, Marcelo closed his eyes and whispered a prayer to WildOutSider, thanking him for all that he had taught him and promising to carry on his mission. The wind stilled, and Marcelo felt a sense of peace wash over him, knowing that WildOutSider was watching over him.

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