Chapter 7: Ancient Texts

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WildOutSider led Marcelo through a dense forest to a hidden location, where they finally arrived at a small entrance that was barely visible among the overgrowth. WildOutSider muttered a few incantations, and the entrance slowly opened, revealing a hidden passage leading underground.

As they descended into the passage, Marcelo could feel a sense of foreboding. The air was thick with the smell of must and dampness, and the torches lining the walls flickered ominously. They finally emerged in a vast underground library, with shelves upon shelves of ancient tomes and scrolls.

Marcelo was awestruck by the sheer volume of knowledge contained in the library. He walked down the aisles, running his fingers over the spines of the books, feeling the weight of the ages upon them. WildOutSider watched him with a small smile on his face.

"Here, Marcelo, these are the texts that will help you understand the true power of the runes." WildOutSider handed him a thick, leather-bound book, its pages worn and yellowed with age.

Marcelo opened the book and began to read, his eyes quickly scanning the pages. As he read, he realized that the runes he had been studying were only a small part of a much larger system of magic, one that had been developed over thousands of years by ancient civilizations.

WildOutSider showed him how to use the texts to unlock the true potential of the runes, explaining how the magic of the ancient world was much more potent than the magic of the present day. Marcelo was fascinated by what he learned, and spent hours poring over the ancient texts.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, as Marcelo delved deeper into the ancient texts. He learned how to summon powerful creatures from other dimensions, and how to use the power of the runes to manipulate time and space.

As they studied, WildOutSider warned Marcelo of the dangers of using such powerful magic, and reminded him that with great power comes great responsibility. Marcelo listened carefully, knowing that he was learning from one of the most powerful wizards in history.

Finally, after months of study, WildOutSider declared that Marcelo was ready to move on to the next stage of his training. Marcelo felt a sense of pride and accomplishment, knowing that he had learned so much from his mentor.

But little did he know that the trials he would face in the coming weeks would put his newfound knowledge to the test.

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