Vol. 1 | mercy

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"Dad I have to go! You can't make me stay here! Don't tell me you need me to take care of Judith. Olivia can do that and you know it. I need to be there." Carl argued. "Carl, it's not safe, and I need you safe." Rick replied.

"Dad, please. You'll see, I can take care of myself. These saviors are nothing we can't handle. In and out, one night. Then they're done, that's it. I'll be fine. Trust me?" Carl said. "Yes, I trust you. You can come, but you better stay right with me. Got it?" Rick said. "Got it." Carl replied.


"I can't fucking believe that dad made me come here! Can't you guys straighten your fucking selves out?! Why do I have to do everything for you fucks? I swear

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"I can't fucking believe that dad made me come here! Can't you guys straighten your fucking selves out?! Why do I have to do everything for you fucks? I swear." Ron said, moving his stuff into the satellite station.

"Ok," Ron started, giving a sort of makeshift speech to the saviors that lived there.
"I have to be here in this shithole because you guys can't take care of your own asses. I still don't know why that's my fucking job now, but whatever dad says, I guess. If you don't do whatever I fucking tell you, I swear to god, I will make my own Lucille and beat your fucking skull in with it. Got it? Good." He said, walking to his bedroom and slamming the door.

That night

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That night

Rick was explaining the plan one more time, get in, kill all the saviors, especially negan, and get out quickly and quietly.

I can do this. Carl thought. They went in, and started killing the saviors in their sleep.
Carl split away from the rest of the group, walking down a lone hallway. He knows right Rick said stay close, but he just wants this over with. He opened the door at the end of the hall, his gun raised. He saw a boy sitting on the bed, reading a comic.

The boy looked up in shock, raising his hands. "Don't shoot. Please." The boy said. Carl got closer to him, "get up." Carl said. The boy stood up, "I'm Ron, what's your name?" Ron asked, trying to buy time. Carl said nothing, he just kept his gun on Ron.

"You're not negan? Just go. Make sure no one else sees you. I won't say anything." Carl said, feeling empathy for the boy. "Thank you, um?" Ron said. "Carl, I'm Carl." Carl said. "Well, thank you, Carl." Ron said, leaving the room.
Carl sighed, what would Rick say? He couldn't just kill Ron. He didn't have that in him.


Ron snuck around until he got passed the fence. The sun was starting to come up now. He was looking at the satellite station for a minute. "Put your hands up." A woman said from behind him. He did so, standing up and turning around. There was three women there, one with really short gray hair, one with shoulder length brown hair, and one with short auburn hair. The one with the gray hair was the one pointing a gun at him. She shot him, hitting his arm.

"Put it down!" Paula said, her, Michelle and Laura aiming guns at the three women. The woman with the gray hair did what she asked. They covered the women's heads with their jackets, putting them into a car.

"You ok sugar?" Molly asked Ron, smoking as always. "Yeah, I will be." He replied, trying to act like it didn't hurt as much as it did. He got in the car with all the women, quietly wincing in pain.

They drove for what felt like forever. They finally stopped at one of the outposts that was only 3 miles from the satellite station.

Paula and Molly argued about going in there as there was walkers sometimes.
"Both of you shut the fuck up and go make sure it's clear. We have to get Ron in there and stop the bleeding. Do you have any idea what negan would do to us if he died under our watch?!" Laura exclaimed. They both agreed and headed inside with Michelle. They came back a minute later. "Let's get Ron and these other people in there!" Laura demanded, practically picking Ron up.

Laura dragged Ron into the building, setting him down on the floor. She put her hands on his wound, trying to slow the bleeding. He cried out in pain.
"Hey, you're going to be ok. Ok?" Laura said to him.
"Ok. Ok." He responded.
"I'm learning to be a doctor. I can help him." The girl with the auburn hair said.
"You? A doctor? You're a little girl." Paula said. "If she can help him at all then let her. He can't die from this, Paula." Michelle stated. "Fine." Paula said, untying the girl and bringing her over to Ron.

"Ron right? I'm Sophia, that's my mom Carol, and our friend Maggie." Sophia said, trying to distract him from his pain.
"Does anyone have a needle and thread?" Sophia asked.
"Yeah, for clothes not people." Laura responded. "It'll have to work." Sophia said.

She laid him down, and prepared to sew his wound. He was screaming when she started sewing it up. Laura, Paula, and Michelle were holding him down.
"I'm... tired." Ron said, his eyelids getting heavy. "Stay awake ok?" Sophia said softly. "You go to sleep you're never going to wake up honey." Molly said, still smoking.

Despite what they were saying, he still felt himself slip away, passing out.


Ron woke up in a car, speeding down the road. Laura was driving, and she was the only other person in the car.

"What happened?" Ron asked.
"Those people we had, they're insane. Killed Molly, Paula, and Michelle. Luckily I got you out of there before they could get to you." She responded.
"Oh. Where are we going?" He questioned. "I'm taking you to the sanctuary. Negan and the doctor will be there. Thats who you need. And we need to tell your dad about what happened at the satellite station. Just rest we'll be there in about ten minutes." Laura replied.


Carl was in the back of the car, listening to rick talk to the group about their success.

"We got them all. Hilltop is going to be happy." Rick said. Carl looked down, thinking of the boy he let go. What if he comes back? Should I tell dad? No, it'll be fine. He thought.


Laura pulled up to the gates of the sanctuary. "Open the gate! I have Ron and he's been shot!" Laura yelled out the window. The gate opened and she pulled in and parked the car. "What the hell happened?!" Simon asked, running over to help Ron out of the car. "We got attacked. I'll tell you after we get him to the doctor." Laura responded.

Simon and Laura helped him up to the doctor, sitting Ron down on the exam chair. The doctor started working on his wound. "I'll go get negan." Laura said, leaving the room.

Ron could hear negan coming from a mile away. Cursing everyone and stomping his way to the doctors office. He through the door open, "Ron! Are you okay? What happened?!" He asked. "I'll be ok." Ron replied. "Everyone get out. Let me talk to my boy alone." Negan demanded. Everyone left the room quickly.

"What happened?" Negan asked softly, running his hands through Ron's hair.

"They're all dead, dad. Everyone at the satellite station. Some group came in and killed everyone. I don't know who they were. they weren't from the hilltop or the kingdom. One of them had me, could have killed me, but he let me go. I got out to the forest when another one of them found me, and shot me." Ron said, in tears.

Negan looked shocked. He hugged Ron, making sure not to touch his wound. "It's not your fault, ok? It's not on you." Negan said to Ron. "Yeah, ok." Ron whispered back.


March 1st, 23

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