Vol. 23 | Be Safe

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"Carl?!" Ron called out for his boyfriend.
The heat of the burning kingdom around Ron was almost too much to bare.
The whisperers had attacked, setting fire to anything they could.
Now their horde was pouring in through the broken walls.

Carl had been in one of the buildings, taking care of Judith and the other kids with Earl.
That building was burnt to the ground now, but Ron was sure Carl had gotten out.

People were screaming, either on fire or being eaten alive.
This was supposed to be a day of celebration.

"Ronnie." Someone grabbed his arm.
He turned around, seeing his dad with a mask of human skin on.
"Dad? We need to find Carl!" Ron exclaimed, trying to be heard over the walkers and screaming.
"I saw him. He was leaving with his sister." Negan informed Ron.
"What? Really?" Ron said, surprised Carl would leave without him.
"Yes. We need to get out of here kid." Negan said, just wanting Ron to be safe.
"Yeah. Yeah." Ron said, looking around at the hell this day had become.

Negan and Ron made their way through the battle zone.
"Put this on." Negan said, giving Ron his jacket.
He was hoping it would protect him from bites or burns.
"Hey! Ron!" Earl said, running over to the men as Ron put on the jacket.
Earl was badly injured, having a hard time even walking. He had baby Hershel in his arms.
"Here. Take the baby. You're the first person I found. Get him out of here." Earl said, handing the baby to Ron.
"Come on. I'll help you walk." Negan said, Ron shushing the baby behind him.
"It's no use. I'm bit. And I'll just slow you down. Get the baby out of here and back to his mom." Earl said, thinking of Maggie.
"We will. He'll get back to Maggie. Don't worry." Ron said.
"Go!" Earl demanded.
"Come on." Negan said, putting his hand on Ron's back and leading him out.


"Did you see Ron?!" Carl asked Rick.
Carl had taken Judith and Gracie to a little cabin in the woods where everyone was supposed to meet after.
"No. But I'm sure he's ok. He knows how to take care of himself." Rick said, trying to keep Carl calm.

"Carl? Where's Hershel?! I thought you had him!" Maggie exclaimed, entering the cabin in a panic.
"Earl had him. He's ok." Carl said, not knowing about earls injuries.
Maggie stood with a worried look, hoping Carl was right.


"Shh it's ok." Ron whispered to Hershel.
"Dad he won't stop crying!" He exclaimed, starting to get frustrated.
"I know. He probably wants Maggie. Here let me see him." Negan said, taking the boy who's father he had killed.
"What's wrong buddy?" Negan said in a gentle tone.
"You want your mom huh?" He asked, Hershel calming down due to Negans tone.
"We're supposed to meet at a cabin. It's not far. Come on." Ron said, walking in the general direction of the building.

"I wish I had you when you were a baby." Negan said after a bit of walking and thinking.
"Yeah me too." Ron said, thinking of his biological parents neglect.
"So.. what do you think Maggie will do if she sees me holding here baby?" Negan asked, bouncing Hershel and making him laugh.
"I don't know. Maybe I should take him before we get there." Ron said, hoping that would be better.
"Yeah probably." Negan agreed.

"Dad?" Ron said, having a question.
"Yeah kiddo?" Negan replied, shifting Hershel from one arm to the other.
"Should I ask Carl to marry me?" Ron said, stopping and turning towards his dad.
"Hm. If it feels right. I would say you're young, but you never know how much longer you have in this world. So if you love Carl and you want to marry him, I'd say go for it." Negan said, always having liked Carl.
"Yeah. You're right. I will." Ron said, already nervous to ask.
"I know he'll say yes." Negan said with confidence.

"Look! There's the cabin. Give me the baby." Ron said, pointing at the old building.

Negan handed Hershel to Ron.
"I'll go check it out. Hang back a bit ok?" Negan said, always cautious.
"Ok." Ron said looking back into the forest for any walkers or whisperers.

Negan knocked on the door lightly.
"Negan?" Carl said as he opened the door, surprised to see him.
"Hey kid. Is Maggie here?" Negan asked, with a smile.
"What the fuck do you want from me?!" Maggie said, coming to the door and pulling out her gun.
"Woah! I just want to give you your baby!" Negan said, putting his hands up.
"Hershel? You have him?! Where?!" Maggie said, worried Negan would have hurt him.
"I've got him. He's ok." Ron said, walking up on the porch and handing Maggie her baby.
"You.. kept him safe?" Maggie said in surprise as Ron hugged Carl.
"Well, yeah. I know we have our.. differences, you could say, but I'd never let any kid get hurt. Not if I can help it." Negan explained to Maggie.
"Differences is putting it lightly. But.. thanks for keeping him safe." Maggie said, kissing Hershel.
"Of course." Negan said.

"I was worried about you." Ron whispered, kissing Carl.
"Well I was worried about you." Carl said smiling.
"I love you so much." Ron said softly.
"I love you too." Carl said, kissing Ron's cheek.

"Well um.. I've gotta go. That crazy bitch is still alive. I'll be back when she's not I guess." Negan said, backing up.

"Wait, Negan. Carl said you saved him. Thank you." Rick said sincerely.
"It's like I said. I always try my best to keep kids safe." Negan said, surprised Maggie and Rick had thanked him.

"Dad.. just be safe, ok?" Ron said, walking over and hugging him.
"Always. You too alright? I love you." Negan said, hugging Ron back and kissing his head.
"I will. I love you too." Ron said, still wearing Negans jacket.
"Ok. See you all later." Negan said, putting his whisperer mask back on and leaving the group at the cabin.


"Where have you been?" alpha asked Negan as he entered the whisperers camp.
"I uh... got lost. If I'm being honest." Negan came up with an excuse.
"Hm. So I was thinking, about your plan to keep that boy alive to tell his people about us." alpha said in a whisper as usual.
"Yeah? What about it?" Negan said, just happy Carl was ok.
"I like it. It's a good idea. I think you should be rewarded for it." Alpha said.
"You think so?" Negan said, expecting some extra food or something.
"I do. Come with me." Alpha said, leading Negan away from the rest of the whisperers.

"So what's the reward?" Negan said, confused.
"Sex." Alpha said in a serious tone.
"What?" Negan started, but then he realized this was a perfect opportunity to kill her.
"Do you want to have sex or not?" Alpha questioned him.
"Um.. yes." Negan lied. He most certainly did not.
"Good." Alpha said, starting to kiss him with her mask still on.

This was his chance.
Negan took out his knife and slit her throat.
She fell to her knees, holding her throat.
This kinda reminded Negan of when Rick had slit his throat.

"You..." alpha tried to say something.
Negan didn't want to hear what she had to say.
He kicked her down on to her back, decapitating her.

It was finally over.


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