Vol. 2 | You'll Regret It

471 8 30

Two weeks later

Knock knock

A knock on Ron's door woke him up.
"Open up." Negan said through the door.

Ron got up and threw some clothes on. He opened the door and asked, "what dad?" Negan smiled, "Simon made pancakes, we're eating in the meeting room. Come on." He said, walking away. "Uh, ok i guess." Ron said, following negan down the hall.

Once they got into the meeting room, Ron looked at the food on the table, noticing a glass pitcher with chocolate milk in it.
"Is that chocolate milk!?" Ron exclaimed. "Yeah it is. Here." Laura said, reaching him a cup. "Hilltop?" Ron asked, gesturing to the milk. "Yes." Simon replied with a big smile. Ron smiled back, slightly awkward. Simon had always freaked him out.

Ron got some pancakes, eggs, and chocolate milk. He sat down next to negan. Although the food wasn't sourced ethically, Ron wasn't going to complain.
"So, what's all this for? Feels like a celebration or something." Ron said, taking a bite of his
pancake. "Well, kind of, actually." Negan said smiling. "Really? For what?" Ron questioned. "That group, the one that shot you and killed all those people, we found 'em. We're going to get them into the loop with the kingdom and the hilltop tonight." Negan said with excitement.

"Tonight?" Ron said, leaning towards negan. "Tonight. And I've got a job for you." Negan said, touching Ron's hair that stuck out of his beanie.


"We need to get Maggie to the hilltop, are you coming?" Rick asked Carl. "Yeah, just let me go get my hat." He replied. He quickly went and got his hat, putting it on. "Let's go." Carl said, walking back down the stairs. Rick got up from his chair, picking up his gun, and heading to the door.

Rick walked into the rv, walking towards Maggie laying on the couch, shaking and sweating. "Hey, you're going to be ok, the baby will be ok, too. We'll get you to the hilltop." Rick said, Carl watching them from the front of the vehicle.

Carl walked over and sat down at the table, next to Sasha and across from Aaron. "How far is the hilltop?" Aaron asked, as he had never been. "About an hour or so. Not that far. Wanna play?" Carl said, picking up a deck of cards. "Yeah, sure." Aaron replied.


Ron entered the room where his "wives" stayed. He never wanted wives, but negan kind of forced it on him. He had never even kissed one of the women before.

Ron closed the door behind him. Amber and Enid were playing chess, and Mikey, Ron's best friend, was watching them play. Enid was Mikey's girlfriend, and Ron's wife, he guesses. Enid and amber were really just Ron's friends. He'd come and talk to them all the time.

"Hey. You guys hear what's happening tonight?" Ron asked, sitting down at the table with the other three.
"No. Whats happening tonight? Is someone getting the iron?" Enid questioned.
"We're getting new group, apparently. The one that shot me. Dad says he found them." Ron said. "Really? Are you going?" Mikey asked. "Yeah, I guess. I have a job to do or something, dad says." Ron answered.

"Do you know what you're supposed to be doing?" Amber asked the boy. "I'm supposed to block the roads to hilltop. That's where the group is headed. We're going to block them off the roads so they have to go through the forest. Then we'll ambush them there." Ron stated.

The group was silent, all of them knowing that it meant someone would die today.

Mikey, breaking the silence, asked "isn't that road blocking shit Simons job? What the hell is he doing?"
"You're right. What is he doing?" Ron replied. "He's so creepy." Enid said. "True." Amber said.

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