Vol. 25 | Hearts Keep Beating

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"What do you see?" Negan asked Ron.
Ron was on top of a subway car, looking to see what was on the other side.
"Just a few walkers. Like, six." Ron replied, recounting to be sure.
Maggie thought she knew a place for food, but it was through this subway system.
And apparently Negan was the only one who knew the way through it.
Now the group had come upon a train they couldn't get opened or go around, hence why Ron was on top of it.

"Here." Ron said, reaching his arm down to help Carl up.
Carl took Ron's hand and Rick help boost him up.
Carl climbed up, falling onto Ron once he was up top.
The boys laughed, kissing each other.
"We don't have time for a date boys." Maggie said, already frustrated that Negan had to be here.
"Damn ok." Ron whispered, going to help more people up.


"Hey dad, what do you think? Do you think the commonwealth is like, real?" Ron asked as the group was walking.
"I don't know. You know what they say about things that are too good." Negan said, holding his flashlight.
"Yeah, probably. Eugene has been gone for a while." Ron said, starting to lose hope.
"He has. But he'll come back." Carl said, reaching to hold Ron's hand.
"I hope so." Ron whispered, squeezing Carls hand.


"Shouldn't be much longer." Negan said, knowing the exit wasn't far.
"Great. It's creepy down here." Ron said, having disliked it since they arrived.
"Yeah. And moldy." Jerry said, having the same feelings as Ron.
"Do you hear that?" Maggie said, looking around.
"I do. Sounds like walkers. A hell of a lot of em too." Negan replied, getting closer to his son.
"Everyone stay here. I'll go up ahead and take a look." Daryl stated, walking ahead.

The group stood in silence, waiting for Daryl to return.
"Ok. There's a bunch of em. They behind another train like earlier though. But I don't see any way around them." Daryl informed the group.
"I guess we have to go through them then." Rick stated.
"Through them? How?" Gage asked.
Luckily he hadn't been giving Ron any trouble.
"We'll cover ourselves in their guts and they won't notice us." Rick said, not seeing another option.

"Here." Ron said, smearing blood onto Carls back.
"Thanks babe." Carl said, being too calm about this for gages liking.
"Let me get you." Carl said, helping Ron now.
"I love you." Carl said, kissing Ron's cheek.
"I love you too." Ron replied with a smile.

The group walked through the horde.
Carl was holding hands with Ron and Rick, and Ron had Carl and Negan. Negan was in front leading them.

If Maggie was being honest, it was taking all she had in her to shove negan into the walkers and finally watch him die.
But they needed him to get out of here.
And besides, Ron would probably have the walkers eat her too.

I've got this. Gage reminded himself over and over.
Suddenly, he tripped over a walker and fell to the ground.
His screams filled the tunnel as he was torn apart.

"Just ignore it." Negan whispered to Ron.
"Ignore it." Ron said to Carl as well.
Carl did so, he, Ron, and Negan didn't even look back.
Maggie moved up, taking Jerry's hand and closing the gap gage had left.
It's as if he was never there.


Ok this was short but I'm too excited for the next chapter!! I've been planning it forever and it's going to be good!
BIG plot twist ahead!! I've even been planting seeds for the twist for like a month at least. Hope you like it! 🫶

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