Ch.4 Ascending

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It is incredible, I'm awestruck by its sheer size, it is much larger than what I imagined.  and I can't help but wonder how something this massive was hidden away in a dark cave. The ship is immaculately clean, its surface gleaming with a pristine shine that suggests it's either brand new or meticulously maintained.

The design of the spaceship is unlike anything I've ever seen in those old sci-fi movies. At the center of the ship, there's a structure that looks like a giant rugby ball made entirely of glass. I peer inside, but I can't see anything beyond the reflective surface. The glass seems to glow with an otherworldly light, casting an ethereal yellow aura over the surrounding area.

On each side of the spheroid, there's a metallic ring floating effortlessly in the air, rotating slowly around the glass structure. The rings seem to be connected to the glass sphere by some unseen force, as they hover just inches away from its surface without touching it at all. I can't help but marvel at the sheer elegance of their motion, as they spin in perfect harmony with each other.

At the back of the ship, there are two identical c-shaped structures, side by side. They seem to be connected to the top and bottom of the glass sphere, with delicate, intertwining structures that look like they were crafted by a master artisan. The smooth, metallic surfaces of the structures shimmer in the light, as if they were forged from pure energy itself, the yellow neon lights appear to be inside these structures, they look just like the ship's veins.

A sound suddenly makes me turn my attention to the center of the spaceship, as a wide panel of glass suddenly slides open, revealing a spacious entrance. A gentle breeze of fresh air greets me, carrying with it a scent of something new and exciting.

A ramp starts to slowly descend from the ship, extending towards the ground as if it's inviting us to come aboard. The metallic surface of the ramp glints in the light, and I can see that it's fitted with a soft, rubbery material that provides a secure grip as we ascend.

"Impressive right?" Said my dad with a proud smile

"It's spectacular" I replied without taking my eyes of it

"This is newest military model from Azulri, it's called the Ostra II. It is a small ship that is able to reach 3.5 times the speed of light, hold enough fuel for 3 intergalactic jumps, and the best of all it has 3 automatic laser shooters, 1 guided anti-gravity launcher and a full defensive system" His eyes were shinning as he explained it. I didn't have the heart to tell him I didn't understand a single word that came out of his mouth.

I take a big breath, I can't help but feel a sense of trepidation mingled with excitement. Then, I proceed to take my first step onto the ramp, before anyone else, it is strange but it feels right for me to be the first one to enter the ship. I'm followed by my dad and my mom and lastly by Illu. The ramp seems to stretch on forever, but I eventually reach the ship's entrance.

And the inside looks even more impressive than the outside. This big glass chamber must be the central hub. In the middle there's a huge 3D hologram of the Earth surrounded by a hollowed circular table. Some of the glass panels are transparent allowing me to see the cave we were in moments ago, however other panels are monitors displaying all types of information, one shows a star map, highlighting the various constellations and galaxies nearby. Another monitor shows a real-time display of the ship's vital signs, including its speed, fuel levels, and system diagnostics. I can also see in a few displays numbers and letters, and the only ones I recognize were "R-222", "W-387", and "W-109" which are the routes we were talking about. 

Behind the round table at the center of the room there is a small stair case leading to a extremely futuristic looking chair. It is a full-body chair and resting on one of the armrests is a head piece that looks like a helmet with hundreds of wires, I assumed that was the captain's chair since it looked like the most important thing in the room. The chair was surrounded by several control panels with buttons and switches that looked very complicated and it also had a holographic screen showing some of the information of the panels.

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