Ch. 8 Goddess' Revelations

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Elysia's ethereal voice echoed through the vastness of space, "It appears that you all have finally united. The time has come to locate the other blessed ones. Gekpo and his allies have already set their plans into motion."

Illu furrowed his brow, "I never imagined they would be involved. They don't possess any blessings."

Elysia nodded, "That may be true, but your group has something valuable to offer. Their infamous Azulrian lineage's energy transformation could be a significant asset in the upcoming battle."

I couldn't help but speak up, "Hold on a moment. What exactly is going on here? We need some answers."

"Amelia, you are absolutely right," Elysia said, turning her attention to me. "I believe it's time for me to share the story from the very beginning, starting from the day Illu and I met."

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Illu slowly opened his eyes, disoriented and confused. His surroundings were nothing but a graveyard of debris and corpses. "Is... Is this Karick?" he asked aloud, his voice echoing in the desolate space.

The once thriving system, with six planets orbiting a medium orange star, bustling with merchant and tourist ships, now lay in ruins. Illu felt a sharp pain inside his body, realizing that it was the aftermath of consuming an immense amount of energy in a short span of time.

Illu was desperate to get away from the destruction he had caused. He knew he had to use up all the energy he had consumed before it destroyed him from the inside out. With a deep breath, he focused all his energy and pushed himself to his limits. He felt the energy surging through him like a wildfire, burning up everything in its path. With an intense burst of power, he accelerated faster than the speed of light, racing across the universe towards the edge of space.

As he traveled through the void, he could see the universe stretching out before him, a vast and endless expanse of stars and galaxies. He knew that he had to keep moving, that he couldn't stop until he had used up every last bit of energy. He pushed himself harder and harder, driving his body to the brink of destruction.

And then, with a blinding flash of light and a deafening roar, Illu crossed over the border and found himself hurtling through an endless expanse of shimmering colors and swirling lights. He felt his body being buffeted by the force of the energy around him, and he struggled to maintain his focus and control.

For what felt like an eternity, Illu was lost in a maelstrom of energy and light, his body twisting and turning as he struggled to maintain his course. He felt as if he was being torn apart from the inside as if his very being was being consumed by the power of the universe.

And then, just when he thought he couldn't take it anymore, Illu saw a light in the distance. It was a soft, warm light, and it seemed to be beckoning him forward. With a final surge of energy, Illu propelled himself towards the light, feeling his body begin to give way under the strain.

Illu suddenly lost all sensation and opened his eyes to an empty void, a space of absolute nothingness. There were no walls or ceilings, just an endless expanse of white that seemed to stretch out into infinity. It was as if he was trapped in a never-ending void, and he began to question if he had actually died.

As he floated in this empty space, a beautiful singing voice filled his ears. It was melodic and ethereal, and it called out to him like a beacon. With nothing else to guide him, Illu followed the voice, using it as his only compass in this strange and desolate place.

After what seemed like an eternity, Illu finally came upon a figure standing in the distance. It was a woman, with flowing robes and a serene expression. Her voice was the one that he had been following, and he knew that she was the key to understanding where he was.

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